It uses Reactions of ips 4.2. There is no old 'Like' system. Clicking on the number to see a popup display how many likes, haha, thanks....
If you don't like other reactions you can configure in IPS, not videobox.
I can not reproduce this issue, the newest version support reactions.ững-đứa-trẻ-người-sói-2012/
And the profile activity has no problem
I think your templates haven't been updated. So you need to revert them (click "save", then click "revert" for all templates of videobox).
@FGN I can not reproduce the bug. After clicking x to remove the form, I refresh page and it appears again. I also tested by saving video and edit video, but I can not see any problem.
If you only show 1 video, find
<div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsSpacer_bottom vbItem'>
Replace by
<div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsSpacer_bottom vbItem' {{if count( $videos ) == 1}}style='width: 100% !important;'{{endif}}>
1. Each category has permission settings.
2. It's not a bug, it's the way how it works. Because in other applications may have sidebars, or custom javascripts but no way to load ips sidebar in ajax, and the a lot of other javascripts will be broken.