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Posts posted by galenb

  1. On 12/26/2023 at 11:25 AM, teraßyte said:

    No, the only way is to manually click the Mark site read link.

    You have 2 options:

    1. Create an alert in your Moderator CP that shows only to new members, and include that they can click that link to reset the new content flag.
    2. Have someone create a custom modification for you that marks the site as read after a member registers.


    I think the alert should do just fine in your case. That way you can warn only new members about the feature existing.

    I think the alert to new members only should work. I started working on a mod and I decided to wait a bit cause it may or may not be applicable  to Ver 5.0... I learned a long time ago that I don't like creating, testing and deploying the same thing twice.

  2. This is not really a "Problem" per-se but.

    Is there a way to have all the preexisting content marked as read for new registrants so that they only see content created after they have validated or registered as "unread"?


    I've had about 3 new registrant "complaints" that new registrants couldn't tell new content until they "complained" and where told to click the "Mark site as read" button. I had never really thought it but it kind of makes sense that they want to see only content since they registered marked as "new".

    I looked for a setting in ADMIN CP and searched here but didn't really find an answer.


  3. So do we know what defines the constants or where constants are defined on the hosted environment since there is no constants.php. Does the installer use "something" else... I checked HTACCESS... didn't see anything there. It doesn't matter really... I'm getting my PHP debugging environment set up and then I'll figure it out. I always figure stuff out. Thanks for your time!

  4. I did create one... and it did work... I was just trying to understand why? it works. I've been a software developer for like 20 years... but I've worked on the kind of software that you need to know why everything works like it does because the customers had low tolerance for not knowing why something didn't work but they always wanted to know why a change made something work when it didn't before. Why is it needed in one environment and not in the other.


    Non sibi sed patriae

  5. I've been wanting to learn about Dev Mode etc. So I have been building a localhost site on my dev box.

    Windows 10 with IIS 10.0

    MySql 8.0.28

    PHP 8.1.22

    I've spent several hours moving the code and the DB over from  my hosted test site and finally did a full install of IPS 4.7.13 and that helped a lot but still couldn't everything to work then I ran the checker again and it asked me to create a constants.php file.

    define( 'TEMP_DIRECTORY', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/uploads' );

    This was the final key to what looks to be a fully working localhost test environment. But I am puzzled.

    I don't find a constants.php file on my working hosted site.

    Does something else take the place of this.... I'm searching a reading for constants.php in the forums... I guess I just wanted to take the easy route this time.

  6. I realize this is probably the wrong place to ask since I have my email configured to use my hosting services SMTP because I could not get the PHP email to work dependably BUT.

    Is there anyway to filter out anything from an email ending in ---> .ru <--- you know... Russia. That seems to be the only place I'm getting consistent spam on the "Contact Us" link. I tried setting up a filter on the hosting service SMTP server but it wants @mail.ru or @something.ru ... those Russian programmers are pretty good and constantly use a different domain ... thx


  7. 5 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Just to confirm the one other thing which may be impacting you, are you online when the content is posted that you're expecting the email notification for? This would not send if you're online.

    Do you have any modified email templates? If so, I would suggest reverting those to see if it's related here. Can also check the system log in ACP -> Support to see if there are any errors prior to sending the follow notification.

    No modified email templates.


    Even though I was updating a topic using Chrome where I was not logged into a google account (guest only)... my Firefox on a different physical computer was logged in to my primary site. I have notifications turned off and emails turned on for my account... so I don't get a notification Could contain: Lighting, Architecture, Bell Tower, Building, Tower or "bloop bloop" sound. My most current test did see an email come through. I'll check with the other users that noted it as a defect, but I suspect it's functioning correctly.  Thanks again!

  8. I'm having a similar problem so I searched and found this thread... My email setup is to have my hosting service (Dreamhost) SMTP send email. (I tried the PHP setup and got some sporadic responses for "followed" content but none of the "contact us" links would send any mail. I've checked the logs and they show no failures and checking the dreamhost account there are no returns/unables. But (1) Tetst email works from ACP and "Contact Us" solidly works.


    First... are you still following the content you are wanting to get notifications for?

    Double checked for followed content and checked with other users and they are not getting followed emails either.

    If so... have you checked to make sure your see if your settings are still configured to notify you via email?  (Click on the bell and then "Notification Settings".)

    Still set to "A notification when new content is posted" --->Email

    If those are all working...  are you receiving ANY email from your site?  Test by going to ACP > System > Settings > Email Settings > Test Settings

    Received test email OK

    If you are not getting the test email, it means IPB has sent the mail, but your outbound mail server was not able to deliver it to you.  Should that be the case, it may be a SPF/DKIM setup issue.  

    But let's start with those and see how far we get.  🙂 


    I have to think its just a notification/email setting since the other emails (test/contact) are going out ok... but I don't know the code.

    Any help appreciated

  9. Yeah! Dreamhost doesn't give you access to the cron logs.

    I see the attached in admincp->System->Settings->Advanced Configuration on the Server Environment tab.


    And when you click on the View Tasks link the dates don't seem to be changing. This is a very low volume site.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

  10. So after a month of trying I was finally able to build a test website and get it to work. The whole problem was getting the themes set up correctly. There was an old non functioning theme and and I had to work around it to get the forums and admincp so they weren't just some messed up css on the screen.

    Once I finally got a working test site with an uploaded database. I was able to do a manual update on the version 4.4.9 all the way to 4.7.9. Shortly after I got that done the newer 4.7.10 dropped and I was able to do a one click update to go from 4.4.9 to 4.7.10. after setting up a basic theme with different colors etc.

    I finally found a time with a break in the action to update the primary site but only went from 4.4.9 to 4.7.9 cause I had confidence that would work (I never went from 4.4.9 to 4.7.10 directly). I had set the themes up as I had on the test site prior to doing the update and it all performed well without any errors and the db seems to have gone well also.

    My final step with be in a couple of days to take 4.7.9 to 4.7.10 but I wanted to get a a couple of daily backups of the DB under my belt and get a copy of the website at 4.7.9 downloaded to my local machine before trying it.

    Thank you everyone for being so patient and diligent in your assistance.

  11. 1 hour ago, teraßyte said:

    It's not working because the URL is not the same as before. In the previous screenshot, you were using the /forums/ folder, but not in your latest screenshot.

    The check requires the same exact URL, not just (sub)domain.

    Not quite clear on how that works but I'm gonna give it a shot. I think I understand what you mean. Thanks!


  12. I've tried for days and days to bring up a test system like my old primary site with no real success. See this thread

    I decided to delete the website files and do an install instead of an update and now I have the following error.

             A test installation has already been activated for this license key. Your license key entitles you to one test installation only.

    I'm installing to the same location (sub domain) of the primary site. I've read other posts about someone from the support team having to "reset" something to be able to do this.

    I stopped getting responses on the other thread linked above. I worked on this site for a while, but about three years ago I turned it over to someone else who chose never to update it so I need to move the primary site from to 4.7.9 so I was trying to build a test site that mimicked the primary site and upgrade it. I did that and the update disabled the test site and so I decided to see if I could just do a new install and ran into the license issue. 

    Hoping to get a response in the next 24 to 48 hours. Thank you.

    We've been customers for 20 years and rarely engaged support. We don't run a complicated/sophisticated forum... it's just a few motorcycle guys having a discussion or two.

  13. So after going through all the logs and checking everything I could I decided to delete the TESTINSTALL website and try a fresh install. Now I have the, what appears to be, almost expected "A test installation has already been activated for this...."

    I am installing to the same directory. Reading several posts leads me to believe that it has something to do with www vs. no www or  http vs https or some other nuance. Sure could use some help with this. I see that usually someone has to reset something. I'm just trying to get to a point where I can have a hope of updating the primary site without it being down for days by using a test site first.

    Could contain: File, Webpage

  14. This morning I poked around and found nothing... so I decided to run the upgrade again. Didn't know what to expect. Got a nice formatted page that said "there is nothing to upgrade" I dismissed the page and then thought... well I should probably post that, so I immeadiately ran it again. Now I get a blank page. So maybe some caching thing or something. Don't know.


  15. 9 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    I tried visiting the url in your screenshot, and I got get the 500 error you mentioned. If that error_log.0 mentioned above is empty, the error is probably being saved somewhere else. Or maybe the error logging option is disabled at the server level. 🤔

    Dang it... missed one.


    I got real life stuff to do today. If I don't get a response today... then I guess my next step is to "clear out" the test site and database and try just a clean install.

  16. Well now I think this Javascript error is kind of a red herring. I have also determined that the test.domain.com/forums/index.php is getting called (I put an echo "hello" in the code and it rendered.) What ever happens after that (calling some sort of "Dispatcher") isn't doing what's expected. I'm totally lost at this point. I don't know what the next step should be. The Firefox debugger shows an empty HTML page being produced. Could contain: Text, File, Page


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