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Posts posted by Superman123

  1. Did you make sure that the data copied over properly from the first database to the other?

    This tells me that it either is a missing cache folder or the data from one database to the other might not have copied? I'm not sure. I've never had a problem copying my forum to play with.

    It says 'Import has been successfully finished, 1454 queries executed.' That

  2. Does the forum2 database have a different login? Because if it does then you have to edit that as well. Because it need the information of the user that can access/make changes to that database.

    See it almost appears to be a cache issue though. Are you able to access the admin panel?

    I have the same login and everything on the 2 boards (database and admin). I´m not able to access the admin panel either, I get the same error message :(
    I can reach the upgrader though if I type forum2/admin/upgrade but it says that everything is up to date so I cannot proceed with anything there..

  3. You need to make sure that conf_global.php has the accurate information in it. You also need to make sure that your database has the accurate forum data.

    Thanks for your reply! I have only changed the database name and board url in the conf file. I have edited every url in the database that had the original forum name "forum" to forum2. Is there anything else I should change?

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