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Posts posted by Lockjit

  1. I have to agree with the OP here... Everything in life comes with a set of instructions, IPB should be no different.

    If you educate people properly about your product then you should reduce some of the strain on your support system, you will also reduce the amount of frustrated customers who post there questions here and never get a reply. If you put the hard work in at the start, it will pay off in the future giving you more resources to build more products to make more money... see where i'm going here?

    To use the excuse "we have more developer documentation at this time than anything else." is just lame IMO. It goes to show that you didn't do the job properly first time round.

  2. How long ago did you purchase your licence? All transactions must be verified before downloads are made available. I would have thought this will only take a few hours.

  3. I think forcing them to acknowledge the warning before they can use the forum again is a fantastic idea. One thing that I could really do with is the option of having a feature like the warn notes but are hidden from the user (only mods/admin can see).

  4. My hat is off to you... anyone can complain about poor customer service but not many people stop by and give thanks where it is deserved. And it definately is deserved, I would want anyone else to look after my forum. The service is second to none.

    Give yourselves a pat on the back guys.

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