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Posts posted by Hēphaistos

  1. No actually I believe Zetaboards is completely different software that InvisionFree had released after hearing IPB would go paid.

    It is completely rewritten, however a certain person from Zetaboard argues Invision Power Services copied some features for 3.0.0. I remember waiting for it, for YEARS. I considered it vaporware for how long it was in development. Anyway, I feel bad for causing a tangent in this thread.

    3.0.0 seems like a connection of a discussion board, and social networking. For example, facebook integration is a great idea! I also suspect one day a mod will be made where when you update your Twitter account, it will update your profile status. This product is moving forward, and I applaud that!

    I also want to say, without that bar at the top, the website looks TOP-NOTCH! I love it!

  2. No no, I'm not with her. Please don't make comments like that!

    I mean it seems like every other post you must say her name! :P

    Or it could be the fact that she pops up in nearly every thread...
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