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Posts posted by CannonFolly

  1. Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    OMG, that did it!


    Don't take this the wrong way, but I could kiss you right now lol.

    6 minutes ago, Miss_B said:

    Regarding the error mentioned in your screenshot: "Incorrect Key File for Table", it usually happens because of either a disk space issue or a corruption in the aforementioned table.

    The disk space issue is caused when the sql query is fetching data greater than the /tmp folder 's size. That 's the folder used for storing temporary tables btw. To fix this, you must change the folder location to a disk having enough free space

    The corruption issue can be be fixed with the query posted above. If that won't help, you can drop the table altogether from the dataabse then re create it and re insert the data.

    But if it is related to the disc space issue, it is best if you talked to your host about this, unless you manage your own vps/dedicated box.

    Thanks for the reply. My host does have me on a MySQL VPS. Apparently this database was originally checking in at over 6GB for some reason, but all of the recent file checks have been varying between 20 to 200 MB.

    It looks like Adlago's query fixed it, so fingers crossed it was just corrupted and not a disk space issue.

  2. Ok I have a quick update. I went thru that table all the rows and got to the very end. I deleted the favicon row (bye my little icon) and then it threw another one for a favicon share one.

    I deleted that too.

    Then the favicon error message came back and I deleted it again.

    This has let the upgrade proceed a little more. It's currently going thru "Upgrading Database" so fingers crossed.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    Well that success was rather short lived...

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    now I'm just sad 😞

  3. Ok, I may have briefly clicked into the wrong table and got into "ibf_core_acp_notifications" instead of ibf_core_acp_notifications_preferences" briefly

    Would you mind double checking your ibf_core_acp_notifications and comparing it to mine to make sure I didn't remove anything I shouldn't?

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage


    I went back and made my table look like yours for the Preferences version and it got rid of that error and moved onto another one.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


    This table looks like this for me:

    Could contain: Text

  4. I went to that upgrade file and then found those lines around 160

    		foreach ( array( 'new_reg_notify' => 'core_NewRegComplete', 'spm_notify' => 'core_Spammer', 'error_notify_level' => 'core_Error' ) as $settingKey => $notificationKey )
    			if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->$settingKey )
    				$member = \IPS\Member::load( \IPS\Settings::i()->email_in, 'email' );
    				if ( $member->member_id )
    					\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_acp_notifications_preferences', array(
    						'member'	=> $member->member_id,
    						'type'		=> $notificationKey,
    						'view'		=> 1,
    						'email'		=> 'always'
    					) );


  5. Oh dear, it's evolving further. So that query worked and then that specific error went away on the upgrade, but it brought up a new one now.

    How screwed up is my database!?!??

    Don't really get it since it was working fine on php7.4

    This one says there is a duplicate entry. I don't see this specific table in phpmyadmin. I see the table, but without the "PRIMARY" at the end.



    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Forgot the error message

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text

  6. Something about my syntax is wrong:

    ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_pfields_data` ADD COLUMN `pf_admin_only`;


    SQL query: Copy
    ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_pfields_data` ADD COLUMN `pf_admin_only`;
    MySQL said: Documentation
    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

    I tried changing the apostrophes as well

  7. I get the following error in phpmyadminCould contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage



    Also, not sure if this is related, but any reason why my database backups vary in size so much? There were no additional posts/uplaods/etc... to my knowledge. I haven't restored any of those backups btw.

    Also after query failed same error persists


    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage between some of those dates.

  8. Thanks for replying,

    Yes when I went back to php7.4 it was ok, no errors and functioning like normal. I then downloaded the files and manually uploaded them via SFTP. I also moved back to php8.1.

    After that I started the upgrade and this is when I encountered the message. I also checked that compatibility file again before starting the upgrade and everything was green as shown in the first image.

  9. Error seems to be evolving. I left the page for a while, came back reloaded and went back thru. Did this several times eventually after some time it changed to the attached and is still stuck again.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    I also went and checked my database in phpmyadmin (I don't know what I'm doing, but trying to follow that log)

    The message reads like it is trying to modify the database and drop a column called pf_admin_only. However, that column does not exist in that specific table according to phpmyadmin


    Could contain: Page, Text

  10. Webhost switched site to php8 from php7.4 which broke forums. Was running version 4.2 which was only compatible with php7 when I went to 8 just got a white screen. Switched back and it all worked fine.

    Reading around realized I needed a version of forums compatible with php8 so I upgraded and downloaded the files for a manual upgrade since I can't upgrade thru the admin panel.

    I ran the compatibility check and it reported no errors.

    Started manual upgrade and everything goes fine at first until I get the following error which seems to be related to the database?

    Need some help, I've tried retry and continue and both options reproduce this error and halt the upgrade.

    Edit: Also, I have no plugins

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    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text

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