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Black Prowler

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Posts posted by Black Prowler

  1. The final version is available in Client Area. Thank you very much to the team of IPB for the surprise!

    Zef :)

    a very nice surprise to come home to after work :thumbsup:

    While I am still unsure about upgrading my live boards with it it will be fun to install as a test board to see how it works. Now I just have to find time to upgrade my server to php 5. :ermm:

  2. I am going for the 30th becuse that the day of june

    so are the other 29 days. :P

    I'm guessing it will be June 30th just so IPS can be wiseguys and say they did release it in as planned. :lol:

  3. You don't actually know that.

    How do you know what I know? :unsure: :lol:

    I could say 'you don't actually know that' regarding your post too. :P

    I was just posting my original response based on the numerous topics I've seen on the subject since the early days of IPB. There clearly seems to be a lot of support for this feature. And most of the posts in this thread seem to support it so do the math. :cool:
  4. ipb already has the feature to "promote" and "demote" members based on how many posts they have made. Also joinable groups imo don't seem like a good idea i just can't see a point in them and believe this control shouldn't be given to the members anyway.

    I am aware of the promote and demote members thing in IPB. ;)

    Joinable groups work quite qwell. The control is by the Admin's and Moderated by Moderators. Members are allowed to seek application to join a group which must be approved by a Moderator. In some cases approval may not be needed but the abillity is there as per other forum softwaere and Modifications.

    If you don't want it than don't use it...but I still think it should be available since the demand for it far exceeds those who oppose it. :cool:

    Joinable groups would be a good thing, but only if the admin had the option to turn it on or off on a per usergroup basis.

    That's a built in feature in other boards and modifications. Of course the Admin would need to have that option. ;)
  5. yes that is exactly what it is and vb and other forum software do use this feature, which I think is brillient and could really be effective in IPB. It's a way to allow users to join groups themselves as set by the forum admin. So if one wants to join a group called 'Premium Members' which would allow them access to certain forums after reaching 500 posts not allowable to Standard Members they could join this group and be approved by a Moderator or be auto-approved based on the admin's setting. This is a very nice way to upgrade members without having to manually switch them to another group as this would do it upon approval automaticly.

    Definately a needed feature! +1 :thumbsup:

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