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Andy Rixon

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Andy Rixon

  1. Yes, an update will be coming, was has already started on it.
  2. iAbout ULTRA 3.1.3 has now been released! We are happy to announce that iAbout ULTRA 3.1.3 has now been released, we advise you to update as soon as you can. Release Notes This release does not include any new features, this release is to only incorporate certian changes that is happening around the company.
  3. When the app was first developed, I over looked the fact that admin folders can be renamed, I shall look into this.
  4. AdminCP -> My Apps -> iAbout ULTRA -> Admin Bios (on lefthand side). Its not an Ego thing.... but ok, to please everyone, BBcode is a weakness for me, and always have been... so if someone would like to edit my code (should only need to change aboutus.php file in modules_public folder) to fix the BBcode issue, go a head and fix it and PM me the edited file. (If a template bit edit is needed, include instructions for that). I do appreciate the help, and the main reasons is that I have not had time to look into the bbcode issue much. Thank you.
  5. Yes, unless they want to PM with details on how to fix it (specially bbcode fixes) so i can do the fix and then release a fix.
  6. I am looking for beta testers for iAbout ULTRA 3.1.3 Beta 2, visit [url=" Blog Entry for more information.
  7. iAbout ULTRA 3.1.2 is now available for download, this version contains a new feature, please look at the Changelog in the first post for more information Itallian Language Pack also available, check first post for link
  8. Development for Userplane Login Sidebar for IP.Board 3.0.x have been discontinued, I will be consantrating on IP.Board 3.1.x Should a security issue be found, please PM me and I will package it up and add it to this topic.
  9. Development for iDonate for IP.Board 3.0.x have been discontinued, I will be consantrating on IP.Board 3.1.x Should a security issue be found, please PM me and I will package it up and add it to this topic.
  10. Development for WhatsYourLink Sidebar for IP.Board 3.0.x have been discontinued, I will be consantrating on IP.Board 3.1.x Should a security issue be found, please PM me and I will package it up and add it to this topic.
  11. Development for iAbout ULTRA for IP.Board 3.0.x have been discontinued, I will be consantrating on IP.Board 3.1.x Should a security issue be found, please PM me and I will package it up and add it to this topic.
  12. Thats weird, does it show any error message?
  13. You need to go onto PayPal and generate a donation button and the HTML they give you, copy and paste it into the iDonate HTML setting in AdminCP.
  14. I don't allow any changes to any of the code, and if they do, they are violating my terms.
  15. Sorry, but I would not allow anyone making edits to my code, if you wish, I could do this, but I will charge a small fee of
  16. This can only be done manually, and would be difficult as the code will need to be alered big time. Have you upgraded from another version, if so, please read Step 3 in the Upgrading.html file that came with the download package. For some reason BBcode only works within the Administrators tab.
  17. Your welcome, and thank you :D
  18. In respect for me becoming a Community Developer here, I have made iAbout ULTRA totally FREE!
  19. lighthouse logo? there shouldn't be any lighthouse logo, only an iDonate logo
  20. Within the package you downloaded, there should be an upload folder, upload the contents (using an FTP Client such as FileZilla) of this folder to the root forum directory in FTP, this should sort out this issue, its a simple human error, I have even done this before and took me ages what had gone wrong and figured an image wasn't uploaded.
  21. This isn't an old topic, its the official support topic. looks to me that the image hasn't been uploaded.
  22. I don't think the request hook is available yet... as I ain't seen it appear anywhere for download.
  23. It is possible to do, as the developers of WHMCS has added the feature, and called it Multiple Currency. I ain't sure how this would be done, but I'm sure IPS has the skills to look into this.
  24. Andy Rixon


    Hello, Since IPS is known all over the world, I thought it would be a good suggestion to allow customers or new customers to be able to choose there own currency, like if you gave an option for the site visitor to choose a currency, you could have the most popular, GBP, USD and EUROs, I think this would make it easier for visitors to determine how much the product will cost them in there own currency, I myself would benefit from this as I live in the UK so I use GBP and find it confusing sometimes converting USD to GBP.
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