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Posts posted by meade916

  1. Hello!

    I've been with invision for years and i have an issue that I'm not sure how to go about.

    I have 121k members, and over 3 million posts on my website. A lot of posts on my site have HTTP links from members posting links years ago or members having http links in their signature from years ago.

    My question is, how do I change all the links on every post to HTTPS without having to go through every single post and member one by one? Is there a way?

    My website itself is using HTTPS, but that doesn't change the links that have been posted over the years.

    I ask this because it deranks both my site and and others when it comes to SEO. 

    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. Yeah, the app is great, but before i purchase. there's gotta be an option for signing in to a discord account. It kind of defeats the purpose of having discord embedded. Please add this feature soon! I will buy it right away! I love how smooth it is so far. You're the first person to actually get discord embedded fully

  3. thank you very much! I've got it to work!

    One more issue is the "featured videos" block that you drag onto the forum page is not showing anything. Any clue on that?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You’re using an incompatible version of the app on IPS 4.3.

    Download the newest version of Videobox and update your install. 

    are you sure? i even tried it on IPS 4.3.3 videobox 2.1.2 and it doesn't work.

    I have another website on 4.3.3 and videobox works perfectly fine....it's really odd.

  5. 1 hour ago, meade916 said:


    I'am confiiguring my web page on IPS 4.3.0 and everything works fine, but when i install the videobox application it gives me a http 500 error when enabled. If i disable the videobox app, the website works perfectly fine. Any ideas?

    Here is the error in my error_log....

    PHP Fatal error:  Interface 'IPS\Content\ReportCenter' not found in /home/smdmedia/public_html/applications/videobox/sources/Video/Video.php on line 15

  6. Hello,

    I'am confiiguring my web page on IPS 4.3.0 and everything works fine, but when i install the videobox application it gives me a http 500 error when enabled. If i disable the videobox app, the website works perfectly fine. Any ideas?

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