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Lee Craven

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Posts posted by Lee Craven

  1. I've set my limit but nothing is being displayed in the footer ?

    I'm not at home to be on the computer but set debugging to option 1 I believe and the info will be displayed.

  2. Sure Check this tutorial i made it for this purpose

    I cant be bothered creating and installing new demo board to show off a FREE mod that gets installed in less than a min for someone who cant even be bothered to register on my site to check the demo?

    Actually i dont want to deal with that kind of users!

    Whats worst is, there is a demo already but he/she cant be bothered to even register on the site to be able to view it!

    sacred thatnks mate, much appreciated it's a great mod, sad some people don't respect the time and effort that goes into coding, thanks for the tutorial, I will check it out whn I get home.
  3. Brandon, so is it possible to add the search engines like I explained above with like eg: 'bestsearchengine.com' - regex= "bestsearchengine\.com" - could that be a universal basic method that would work in most cases?

    The regex info is so hard for me to grasp. And without having access to the root logs I'm none the wiser as my host DOES NOT allow them. (godaddy can be a pain).

  4. Would I be wrong to say editing the regex to say 'googlebot.com' would work? I noticed a search engine called Cuil.com on my site, I made a new user agent (search engine) and entered 'cuil.com'in the regex and it shows in the online list.

  5. Why are the user agents not simple like they were in 2.x.x? I cannot for the life of me figure out why when I see I have a guest online check the IP and reverse lookup the IP it shows as googlebot, yet it doesn't show in my online list, so the bot is crawling yet it doesn't say that 'Google' is online, I have it set to show in the online list, and allow the search engines to browse as members yet 99% of the time they don't show in the online list, I think I've seen google show as "online" maybe twice since IPB3 Final. When I was using 2.x.x it always showed all the bots when they were online, and it was a simple list to import into the ACP, now it's all this crazy regex stuff that I cannot for the life of me figure out...


    Googles Regex is:


    IPS have no documentation what so ever on how to work with this new system, I for one have NO clue, any chance it can be more user friendly for the typical end user, all I want is to display the bots in the online list when they are on my site?

    I don't have access to raw logs so I can't even find out the info from the logs, I've seen 4 different bots online now that are in the user agents list yet they DO NOT show in the online list.

  6. I see no point either, just adds more calls to your backend, makes the site load heavier every time someone opens a page or makes a post. Generally there aren't as many pinned topics as there are regular posts, I don't see the point pinning lot's of topics, I think the most pinned topics I've ever seen per forum is around 5 and that's a lot imo.

  7. The idea behind lo-fi is speed for mobile devices, not all phones have the speed and compatability which the iphone has. lo-fi will be changed as soon as the forums are sorted out, I think people want the computer browser sorting out before the mobile browser, imo I would rather be able to go to my forums and post, read etc before I start worrying about the mobile version, if you want to read new posts so badly subscribe to topics in which you can then read the replys via email.

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