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  1. Great. Please remove also member's post recount option in ACP then. After all, the member did indeed posts.
  2. Now I've broken down. It turns out that member_last_post in the database also indicates the date of the last private conversation. Seriously? This means that a user can be completely inactive on a public forum and write bullfaeces in a PM and then, according to IPS, he will be an active user which will affect the promotion. Congratulations..... Do you guys even know what you are doing? Well, renewing was a big mistake, sorry to say that.
  3. I just tried to set up test install on my production host, but I cannnot change test install adres This url even doesn't exists....
  4. I see that error on production site and on localhost with brand new, fresh install (4.6.9) as well.
  5. Language pack is up to date. When I change position of widget or when I edit and save its settings, widget is visible independently from language. Then, suddenly after some time it disappears. I have some plugins, but I not sure if one of them can cause errors. Ok, I just switched off all plugins. Widget didn't show up.
  6. This widget behave strange. When language is set to English, widget is visible. When lang on forum is switched to my language (polish), widget is not visible, and so on. Any ideas?
  7. Image explains everything.
  8. Yeas, I have such a rule. Problem is in not updating date of user's last post in table: core_members > member_last_post . After deleting last post, this date shoud be updated to real date of user's previous last post. Now it is a date of deleted post.
  9. I have member promotion group based on activity of users ( Member last posted > Less than ) If user is active, he is promoted to active members group, otherwise he goes to inactive. When user post something on forum, in database, in table: core_members > member_last_post date of last post is updated. But... when users write, for example "F*** you" and admin remove his post, date in column member_last_post remains the same, whithout updating. That's mean user can have no post, and be active for years, so promotion rule works wrong. How to fix it?
  10. Yes, but when mouse cursor is over date string, liitle tip is shown with date and hour of last post. That would do. This idea is also ok. Anyway, you must decide what to do with it, I am only suggesting that sometime knowing hour could be usefull in this log.
  11. Is a tiny update possible, to show not only date in logs, but also hour:minutes, when date of logging was later than week?
  12. Would be great if plugin will limit number of atachment in single post and limit number of links to youtube in single post, as it was in 3.x 20 links in post times 20 post in topic view can ruin browser.
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