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Hardy Girl

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Hardy Girl

  1. Try this, it allows you to choose what forums you want to enable reputation in. Works a charm on my board. Just make sure you download/install the SECOND XML file from that thread, not the first. http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/287557-disabling-post-reputation-voting-in-certain-forums/page__view__findpost__p__1832233
  2. Hardy Girl

    ACP Tab

    That would be pretty cool.
  3. Hardy Girl

    ACP Tab

    It's funny... the opening in a new tab thing used to bother me, but now that it's gone, I miss it. :P *suggests setting*
  4. Eh, I've been waiting almost 24 hours. But mine is for an upgrade, so I know it'll be a wait. IPS is always working as fast as they can, and usually reply within the hour (to me at least), when they don't have hundreds of tickets to sort a day. It's the best support team I've ever experienced, bar none.
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