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  1. Would be fantastic if you could update to FA5.
  2. So I followed the guide to a T exactly other than the security optional part. I have 2 sites I would like to use so I added a second virtual host and can serve any html files perfectly on it however when trying to serve a php file I get Am I missing anything here? Update: The one main common theme is the error logs are stating that the: I am totally at a loss now. Any help would be awesome! Update 2: Now I am really frustrated I got the main site to show php files, however, the 2nd site still no go.
  3. I have required my customers to fill out a profile field with their address which is only there for the map. The map is only accessable by myself and the other employees so not accessible for regular users. I have used the settings to profile sync but it doesn't seem to work.
  4. So I sell an electrical unit that allows emergency vehicles to open an electronic gate just by using their sirens. The question is since I sell online and request their address to whom buys these units, Can I automatically plot where these people are located on a map without their entry as well as I am just wanting to see the map. I have tried the profile sync but it seems to not add any new address/buyer. Am I missing something?
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