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Posts posted by Davidus

  1. @Jim M

    I updated information in that dialog window. However, I need to add that when I tried to log in to ftp server with FileZilla, I get some of the following output:

    Status: Logged in

    Status: Retrieving directory listing...

    (some of the "Command:" and "Response:" messages in between)

    Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity

    Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

  2. Ok, thanks. I guess this is solved now, because I can edit those values in ACP on "Profile Data" card.

    But if I would like to add member title to user that doesn't have special member title yet, then I have to enable "Member can edit value" and add it on his profile if I am correct? Will observe for a while and send further feedback if necessary.

  3. Maybe this new issue is for a new topic, maybe not, so anyway...

    I noticed that if I enter member title that this is a some sort of a new rank, and not the old rank of a user from previous version of forum.

    After I changed user's member_title in admin and after that checked in phpMyAdmin, the value 'member_title' in table 'core_members' was not changed. It is like Invision Community added a new table with ranks in DB.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    I'm confused by your statement, all users would have the field present if the moderator in question has the ability to edit all user profiles. Could you please provide an example we can take a look at?

    Example of user with no field retained:

    Could contain: Text, Person

    After I click Edit (Uredi):

    There is no field retained.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File


    There is an example of user with field retained and I want to have that field on all users:

    Could contain: Text

  5. 22 hours ago, Jim M said:

    If the user in question does not have this filled out, it will not show up on their profile till you go to their profile and click the Edit Profile button and fill one in.


    There is no field retained when I click Edit user on any user's profile.


    Field retained is only visible in admin on some users and it is possible to edit. But some users don't have that field.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Do you have Member can edit value? enabled on the profile field? If so, could you please provide an example of each type you mentioned here that we can review?

    I found only values "No value" or those with value that we entered (mods usually). For some other users there is no field retained on the Profile card in admin panel.

    One example with retained field which can be edited/fulfilled:

    Could contain: Text


    And another one without the retained field:

    Could contain: Text

  7. @Jim M

    Thank you. With usage of html and css customization I successfully returned those ranks.

    But I have another problem. I noticed that it is not possible for some of the users to change so called retained member title in ACP settings because the field is not present. Some users have the field retained member title in Profile Data card which is possible to edit and some of them simply don't have that field in Profile Data card.

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