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Everything posted by jlmartin

  1. Well, unfortunately, as far as legislation goes in some places in Europe, all account data has to go when a user cancels--including the user's posts, pics, etc. This certainly poses a problem for forums, as every time a member cancels, a lot of threads could become meaningless, or be deleted entirely (if user in question is the topic starter, for example). Given that some markets do not require this (for now), this could be an optional feature (e.g., "enable account cancellation?"). An even better version of the above feature would be to "suspend" the user who decides to cancel for 30 days (the number of days being an Admin choice), thereby "hiding" all of the user's content for 30 days. At the end of this period, the user and his content gets completely removed from the system--no return. This, with the appropriate warning to the user upon canceling the account (your account will be temporarily suspended, making all of your data unavailable to the public... at the end of this period your account and contents will be deleted). This would add more security to the site owner in case of conflict, and, should user change his mind about canceling, he would have the opportunity to "make up his mind" (like a cooling off period). To most forums this might be an overkill, but, in some instances, it may be necessary. I am building a student community, and would certainly want to keep a member's data for 30 in case they did something stupid and decided to "run".
  2. In some countries, offering users the ability to cancel their accounts (thereby deleting all of user's data and content) is becoming a legal requirement. It would be good if you explored the possibility of adding this feature to the "My Settings" section; with the necessary "Are you sure you want to cancel your account? This action is irreversible" prompts and help file informative entry, that is.
  3. Ideally, when users click on a link posted on a topic, the link should open in a new window and the following message would appear right before the redirect: "We are taking you to the requested link... You are now leaving xxxx.com". Perhaps it could be included as an optional setting in future IPB releases, just like in the Links System mod....
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