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    BN_IT_Support reacted to Rikki for a guide, (Advanced) Building dynamic blocks based on the page being viewed   
    For more advanced sites built with Pages, you may want to change the output of a custom HTML or PHP block depending on which page the user is viewing. For example, if you have a custom menu, you may want to highlight the active item.
    We can implement this in Pages by checking the underlying page URL parameters. Although you access a page with a friendly URL (FURL) like http://<yourcommunity>/section/page, behind the scenes this is mapped to a raw URL, such as http://<yourcommunity>/index.php?app=cms&module=pages&controller=page&path=/section/page. Notice the path parameter allows us to identify which page we're accessing. When we access the \IPS\Request::i() object, we can compare against this parameter, like so:
    {{if strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->path, 'section/page' ) !== FALSE}} <!-- We know the user is on /section/page --> {{elseif strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->path, 'othersection/otherpage' ) !== FALSE}} <!-- We know the user is on /othersection/otherpage --> {{endif}} Note that for reliability, we're using PHP's strpos function to check for the presence of the page URL in the path parameter, rather than a simple comparison.
    Let's assume we've created a Manual HTML block, we're adding HTML to show a menu, and we want to highlight the correct item based on the page. Here's what our block contents might look like:
    <ul class='ipsList_inline cMyMenu'> <li {{if strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->path, 'help/home' ) !== FALSE}}class='active'{{endif}}> <a href='/help/home'>Home</a> </li> <li {{if strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->path, 'help/faq' ) !== FALSE}}class='active'{{endif}}> <a href='/help/faq'>FAQ</a> </li> <li {{if strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->path, 'help/tutorials' ) !== FALSE}}class='active'{{endif}}> <a href='/help/tutorials'>Tutorials</a> </li> </ul> If we had many items to show, it would get tedious to list them all like this. We could instead do it as a loop:
    // Using a PHP variable to store an array of pages => page names that we'll loop over {{$myPages = array('help/home' => "Home", 'help/faq' => "FAQ", 'help/tutorials' => "Tutorials", 'help/qna/listing' => "Questions", 'help/qna/recent' => "Recent Questions", 'help/contact' => "Contact Us");}} <ul class='ipsList_inline cMyMenu'> {{foreach $myPages as $url => $title}} <li {{if strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->path, $url ) !== FALSE}}class='active'{{endif}}> <a href='{$url}'>{$title}</a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> Now to add new items to our custom menu, we just have to add them to the array.
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    BN_IT_Support reacted to Rikki for a guide, Forms   
    The form module provides classes for styling forms throughout the suite, with a range of options available to change the appearance and flow.
    A form should have the base class ipsForm. In many cases this will be directly on the <form> element, but it can actually appear on any element that contains form elements. The recommended basic DOM structure for a form is as follows:
    <form class='ipsForm'> <ul> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> ... </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> ... </li> </ul> </form> In this structure, each field row within the form appears as a <li> element with the class ipsFieldRow
    Form layouts
    There are two layout options for forms: vertical or horizontal. In a vertical form, field labels are displayed above the field element. In horizontal forms, the label appears to the left of the field element. The layout can be controlled by adding the classes ipsForm_vertical or ipsForm_horizontal to the root form element, respectively.
    Example of both types:
    Vertical form Horizontal form Note: On small devices and with the responsive CSS enabled, horizontal layout forms will automatically collapse to become vertical layout so that they are easily readable.
    Field Rows
    Each field row within the form has a number of options available, depending on the type of field. The basic structure for a field row is as follows:
    <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <label for='example' class='ipsFieldRow_label'> Example field </label> <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <input type='text' id='example' value=''> </div> </li> The row receives the base class ipsFieldRow. Within this element are the label and content elements. The label receives the class ipsFieldRow_label, while the content wrapper receives the class ipsFieldRow_content. The content element can theoretically contain anything, though naturally it should be kept simple for best usability.
    There are several additional classes that can be applied to field rows.
    A primary field row causes text inputs to be enlarged to convey importance ipsFieldRow_fullWidth
    Causes appropriate form controls (primarily text-based/select inputs) to take up all available horizontal space ipsFieldRow_noLabel
    If no label is needed, this class can be used to ensure spacing still works as expected. Do give thought to usability before deciding to remove a label.  
    Required fields
    To add a 'required' indicator to a field, an element with the class ipsFieldRow_required can be added inside the label element, like so:
    <label for='elExample' class='ipsFieldRow_label'> Field title <span class='ipsFieldRow_required'>Required</span> </label> On horizontal-layout forms, the text inside the 'required' indicator element is automatically replaced with an asterisk in order to conserve space.
    Field descriptions
    Field descriptions can be added immediately following the form control, inside of the field content element, by using the class ipsFieldRow_desc. For example:
    <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <input type='text' size='30'><br> <span class='ipsFieldRow_desc'>This is a field description</span> </div>  
    The markup and classes used for checkboxes or radio buttons are by necessity a little different to that described above, because typically the element will sit to the left of the label and appear inline with it.
    This is an example of the markup used for checkboxes or radios (note that although the class refers to 'checkbox', it can be used for both types of control):
    <li class='ipsFieldRow ipsFieldRow_checkbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='checkbox' id='elExampleCheckbox'> <span></span> </span> <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <label for='elExampleCheckbox'>Remember me</label> </div> </li> There are a few differences here. Firstly, the class ipsFieldRow_checkbox has been added to the field row to denote that this row should be handled differently. Secondly, the checkbox control now sits as a direct descendant of the row element, while the label moves inside the content element. Finally, the checkbox itself is wrapped in an element with the classname ipsCustomInput, which allows us to style checkboxes and radios using CSS.
      Remember me  
    Horizontally-grouped checkboxes
    Another common way to display checkbox/radio controls is as a horizontal list of choices. This can be done with the following markup:
    <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <span class='ipsFieldRow_label'>Choose an option</span> <ul class='ipsFieldRow_content ipsList_reset'> <li class='ipsFieldRow_inlineCheckbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='radio' id='checkbox1'> <span></span> </span> <label for='checkbox1'>Option 1</label> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow_inlineCheckbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='radio' id='checkbox2'> <span></span> </span> <label for='checkbox2'>Option 2</label> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow_inlineCheckbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='radio' id='checkbox3'> <span></span> </span> <label for='checkbox3'>Option 3</label> </li> </ul> </li> Here we're building the field row content element as a list (we use ipsList_reset to remove margins and padding), with each list item receiving the class ipsFieldRow_inlineCheckbox to align them horizontally.
    The above example produces the following result:
    Choose an option   Option 1   Option 2   Option 3  
    Vertically-grouped checkboxes
    You can also group checkboxes and radio controls in a vertical list. The markup looks like this:
    <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <span class='ipsFieldRow_label'>Choose an option</span> <ul class='ipsFieldRow_content ipsField_fieldList'> <li> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='checkbox' id='option1'> <span></span> </span> <div class='ipsField_fieldList_content'> <label for='option1'>Option 1</label><br> <span class='ipsFieldRow_desc'>Option 1 description</span> </div> </li> <li> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='checkbox' id='option2'> <span></span> </span> <div class='ipsField_fieldList_content'> <label for='option1'>Option 2</label><br> <span class='ipsFieldRow_desc'>Option 2 description</span> </div> </li> </ul> </li> Which renders as:
    Choose an option   Option 1
    Option 1 description   Option 2
    Option 2 description  
    Field loading state
    Text-based form inputs (text inputs, date fields, textareas, etc.) can be shown in a loading state by adding the class ipsField_loading (usually with Javascript). This causes the field to show a loading throbber in the field.
    Loading example Note: this effect is achieved using background images. If you define styles for form fields that specify a background image, the loading effect may not render correctly.
    Grouping field rows
    Adding section headers
    You can add a section header to a form by adding a header element of your choice with the class ipsFieldRow_section, like this:
    <li> <h2 class='ipsFieldRow_section'>A section header</h2> </li>  
    Fields can be grouped together in related sets by using fieldsets with the class ipsForm_group. The markup for this kind of structure looks like this:
    <div class='ipsForm ipsForm_horizontal'> <fieldset class='ipsForm_group'> <legend class='ipsForm_groupTitle'>First group</legend> <ul class='ipsForm_groupContent'> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <!-- Field row content --> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <!-- Field row content --> </li> </ul> </fieldset> <fieldset class='ipsForm_group'> <legend class='ipsForm_groupTitle'>Second group</legend> <ul class='ipsForm_groupContent'> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <!-- Field row content --> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <!-- Field row content --> </li> </ul> </fieldset> </div> This produces (with field row content added):
    First group Field title Field title Second group Field title Field title The class ipsForm_group is added to a container element - this will typically be a fieldset. Within that element will be a title element, with the class ipsForm_groupTitle. This too can be any element, but a legend element will usually make most sense. Finally, there's an element with the class ipsForm_groupContent which wraps all of the field rows in the group.
    Complete form example
    Here is a complete example of a form, which can be toggled between vertical and horizontal layouts for demonstration purposes. The markup for this example follows after.
    Name Required E-mail Address Required
    We keep this confidential Please send me   Updates   Offers   I agree to the terms and conditions Submit  
    <ul class='ipsForm ipsForm_horizontal' id='form_example'> <li class='ipsFieldRow ipsFieldRow_primary ipsFieldRow_fullWidth'> <label class='ipsFieldRow_label'>Name <span class='ipsFieldRow_required'>Required</span></label> <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <input type='text' size='30' placeholder='First name'> </div> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <label class='ipsFieldRow_label'>E-mail Address <span class='ipsFieldRow_required'>Required</span></label> <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <input type='text' size='30' placeholder='example@me.com'><br> <span class='ipsFieldRow_desc'>We keep this confidential</span> </div> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <span class='ipsFieldRow_label'>Please send me</span> <ul class='ipsFieldRow_content ipsList_reset'> <li class='ipsFieldRow_inlineCheckbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='checkbox'> <span></span> </span> <label>Updates</label> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow_inlineCheckbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='checkbox'> <span></span> </span> <label>Offers</label> </li> </ul> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow ipsFieldRow_checkbox'> <span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type='checkbox'> <span></span> </span> <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <label class='ipsFieldRow_label'><strong>I agree to the terms and conditions</strong></label> </div> </li> <li class='ipsFieldRow'> <div class='ipsFieldRow_content'> <button type='submit' class='ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_primary'>Submit</button> </div> </li> </ul>  
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    BN_IT_Support reacted to Rikki for a guide, Adding custom editor buttons   
    If an existing CKEditor plugin isn't available that meets your needs, another alternative that may be suitable is to create a custom button.
    What can custom buttons do?
    Custom buttons allow you to create blocks of HTML that are inserted by clicking a button on the editor toolbar. The blocks you create can accept content that users can enter.
    Custom buttons don't have the capabilities of a full CKEditor plugin - they can't be dynamic or use Javascript, for example. But for formatting text the user enters, a custom button may be the best choice.
    Note: although custom buttons tend to be simple, we recommend you have knowledge of HTML, or seek assistance from our peer-to-peer forums.
    Creating a custom button
    To create a custom button, navigate to Customization -> Editor -> Toolbars. Click the Add Button button in the header, and then the Custom tab. The form you see has the following fields:
    Button title
    The title seen by users when they hover over the button in the editor Icon
    A small image file that will act at the button icon on the editor. For retina support, upload an icon twice as big as you'd like it to display; it will be resized down by the browser and therefore show high-res. Type
    Three types of content are supported, and they roughly mimic the three types of element display in HTML: Inline - used when the inserted HTML exists somewhere in a line of text. Does not create a new line for the content. Single line block - designed for single lines (e.g. headers), and puts the block on a new line Block - used for multiple lines, and puts the block on a new line Use option
    A custom button can optionally accept a value from the user (aside from what they can type as normal inside the block itself). This option will appear as a popup dialog when the user clicks the button in the editor, and the value they enter is passed into the block when it is rendered. With this field enabled, you'll see an additional setting: Option label
    The text shown to the user requesting a value for the option. HTML
    The actual HTML the button will render in the editor when used. Generally, any HTML is supported but it must be valid. Within this HTML, a couple of special tags can be used: {option}
    If the option is used, this tag is replaced with the value the user entered, as-is. {content}
    If your button will allow the user to type within the generated HTML, insert this tag where the user should be able to type. Click the Save button to create the button. Your icon will be shown on the Buttons Not On Editor toolbar, and from here you can drag it to your live toolbars and configure it as normal.
    Using custom styles
    We don't recommend using inline styles in your HTML, because it will be almost impossible for you to update later (posts are built at save-time, not display-time, so if you update a custom button, old posts won't reflect those changes).
    Instead, we suggest using classnames, and adding styles for those classnames in your custom.css theme file. This way, you can update the styles later, and old posts will also reflect the changes.
    An example
    Within this documentation we have tip boxes like this:
    Tip This is a tip
    This is a custom editor button we've created that is available to staff. Here's the configuration we used to create this button:
    Button title
    Tip Icon
    Block Use option
    No HTML <div class='docsBox docsBox_tip'> <div class='docsBox_header'>Tip</div> <div class='docsBox_body'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsType_break ipsContained'> {content} </div> </div> </div>  
    We then add these styles to our custom.css CSS file:
    .docsBox_header { padding: 5px 10px; color: #fff; font-weight: 500; font-size: 15px; } .docsBox_body { padding: 10px; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.4; } .docsBox_tip .docsBox_header { background: #2E7D32; } .docsBox_tip .docsBox_body { background: #E8F5E9; } .docsBox_tip .docsBox_body .ipsType_richText { color: #1B5E20; }  
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