Everything posted by Adriano Faria
Ban Members From Topics
I see. Will have to release a new version. Send a message if you need a quick fix, since you can edit files.
Ban Members From Forums
So post in the right topic!
Ban Members From Forums
No error here but you seem to have an old file in your system files. I should have changed the file at some point. The file in your error is applications/banfromforums/hooks/bftSearch.php. This isn't used anymore. The error happens in the searchResult method, which now is in the applications/banfromforums/hooks/bmffSRAS.php file. Delete applications/banfromforums/hooks/bftSearch.php if you have FTP access.
Raffles System
Go to Members -> Groups -> Raffles and enable the app to your group.
Ban Members From Forums
Will check.
Copy Permissions
Not sure, may be. It seems to work fine on my board: I tried to copy from a forum to "Mentoria", which is a sub in subcategory/category. Tried a few different set ups (category levels) and works fine. Feel free to send a message with ACP access. Maybe I'm not understanding the issue and need to take a look.
Copy Permissions
Can you show an example with images? This level works fine: It's a category, subcategory and a subforum.
Invite System
New version is available now.
Raffles System
PriCes or priZes? If you mean prizes, I really don't see any sense in add 100 prizes totally equals to each other. Can you elaborate or show a useful usage of this:? ----------------------------------- Regarding the error of the author link in raffle/giveaway view, this is TEMPORARY FIX: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/438772-raffles-system/?do=findComment&comment=2862810 A new version ( was submitted to marketplace to fix this issue. If you edited your template, click in the REVERT button as soon as you upgrade to the newest.
Contact Us
Thanks for letting me know. Will make some tests and update it if required.
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How will you update a cached data without update the data? 🤷♀️- Unread topics in topic feeds.
Anyway, I find hard to believe that someone will set 1 minute to cache. Better not to use it.- Unread topics in topic feeds.
You would still have a few seconds showing wrong. 😄- Unread topics in topic feeds.
That was the bug. You click, read, go back to index and the topic still shows as unread. The unread marker will only disappear after the cache upgrades.- How to unfollow all members from store front?
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It’s a per-category setting. Go to ModeratorsCP -> Deleted Content and delete it from there too. The button will show up again.- Steam Login Intergration
It’s one of the features from this resource:- Error on plugin install in PHP 8
That’s ok as long as you use the plugin uninstall to drop your table. Also, it works fine (no log error and table is created) with IN_DEV disabled so it’s ok.- Linked Accounts - Post As
Hello, This is handled by the Core. Not sure I can change that behavior. I didn’t take a look but I guess this is the session time, so if the user keeps using it, it won’t have a limit; if the user didn’t use it for the session time, it switches back to the main account. But that’s just a guess. It can be a cookie too Will take a look when I have to release a new version.- Error on plugin install in PHP 8
Ooh ok. I'll change it.- Error on plugin install in PHP 8
One of them: public function step1() { \IPS\Db::i()->createTable( array( 'name' => 'savedactionssorting_mm', 'columns' => array( array( 'name' => 'sas_mm_id', 'type' => 'smallint', 'length' => 6, 'allow_null' => false, 'auto_increment' => false, 'default' => 0 ), array( 'name' => 'sas_mm_position', 'type' => 'smallint', 'length' => 6, 'allow_null' => false, 'default' => 0 ), ), 'indexes' => array( array( 'type' => 'primary', 'columns' => array( 'sas_mm_id' ) ) ) ) ); return TRUE; }- Error on plugin install in PHP 8
@Daniel F @Stuart Silvester I think there's a bug on plugin install if this plugin creates a table. You should be using PHP 8 and with IN_DEV enabled. The error: The error happens in the step that has the \IPS\Db::i()->createTable. If you disable the IN_DEV or install the plugin in PHP 7.4, it works just fine. Tested in several plugins, 3 installs.- anyone know what error 4X196/3 is..?
Oh sorry, yes, I left the comment to the user. - Unread topics in topic feeds.