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Posts posted by xplanedotorg

  1. Bought this a bit ago.  Got it installed and it is enabled but how do I add this block to a page?  I don't see it listed on the block manager.  What am I missing?

    Never mind, must have been a cache issue.  It just showed up under the block manager.

  2. Anyone have an idea on this one?



    Table 'forum_test.ibf_cms_page_menu' doesn't exist


    SELECT * FROM `ibf_cms_page_menu` AS `cms_page_menu`

    I looked in /var/lib/mysql/test/ and that table does not exist.  

    I'm trying to upgrade a 3.4.9 forum to the latest 4.1.7.

  3. Woodsman, thank you for hour procedure and your assistance.  I'm glad that this script I had to bypass appears to not impact the upgrade process.  Seems to be working well and I'm very happy.  

    Does anyone know if a shout box like application is in the works for 4.0?  Going to miss that if it is not.  I looked at the applications available and didn't see it.  Yes, I know it is still pretty early in the process but hoping to see it before transitioning from current 3.4.7 to 4.0.  

  4. Woodman, I followed your suggestions and got the same error again.  Not sure where to go from there.  Ocean West, I'm taking a look at your suggestions right now.


    UPDATE:  I moved applications/downloads/setup/upg_100005/upgrade.php to upgrade.php.bak to see what would happen.  Continued upgrade and it completed.  Board appears to be functional so now I'm looking at this scrip to figure out what was not upgraded when I skipped it.  Are you familiar with this one?

  5. Yes board was working, themes removed, 3rd party apps and hooks disabled.  Confirmed before copying RC3 on top and starting the upgrade process.

    Yes we are using Ioncube:

    This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
    Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies
        with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.6.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2014, by ionCube Ltd., and
        with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2015, by Zend Technologies

  6. Tried to upgrade a 3.4.7 large board to 4.0 RC3 using this procedure and the duplicate method. Went through the procedure three times with same error each time.  First was with RC1, then RC2, and finally RC3.  Every time, right after completing the member upgrade portion, I get this error:

    Fatal error: Class 'IPS\nexus\Money' not found in /......../httpdocs/applications/downloads/setup/upg_100005/upgrade.php on line 216

    Any ideas?

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