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Posts posted by Bain

  1. my other question for us Multi-license holders is if you go to a pay option for this service. are we gonna have to pay the fee for every forum we want to use it on? that could get a bit expensive for some of us if so.

    Personally, Yes I would imagine this would be the case. Each license would need its own SPAM ID number in order to communicate with the server otherwise anyone could post their SPAM ID and a pirated version would then be able to use the spam server.
  2. Matt,

    Why not implement it where this system is not ran off your servers but instead utilizes an already proven system such as akismet?
    If it were done this way you would not have to rake up additional costs on yourself, plus all licensed customers could use the same benefits of the system.

    Do you feel your new service would be as good or better than others that are already openly available?

  3. So, I find myself wondering why I purchased that perpetual license in the first place... and wondering why I'm still paying the annual fee... because no matter how you word it, [u]you're forcing me to give up my Perpetual license in order to continue benefiting from IPB developments.[/u]

    That is incorrect. Nobody is forcing you to give up your current license to continue using the license as originally intended. Services such as this was never part of the contractual obligation when you purchased a perpetual license.
    You can continue using your license as always. Free upgrades for the life of your license.

    From a business perspective it is wise for IPS to get as many Perpetual licenses nulled and upgraded for free into a standard license.
  4. First of all this service is one that has been needed for a long time now. It would be even better if there could be an alternative server/service offered in case the IP server was down.

    Secondly, to everyone who is complaining about owning a lifetime license. You have 3 options really.
    Upgrade (for free) your current license to the officially recognized license which gets all of the newest features such as the Spam monitoring system, purchase a new license, or do with out it all together.
    The Spam monitoring system is not required for your forum to live up to its full potential. IPS is adding on costs to their plate by offering this service & as such they deserve to be compensated by those who will use it.
    My only concern is with this addition, will there be a price increase in the future for further renewals?

    If there will be, then this service should be an optional service.

  5. This is fairly easy using PHPMyAdmin. You just have to export the required database files.
    I've already done this for my board. It made a lot of difference.

    If you simply upgrade a 2.x.x series forum to 3.0 you may encounter some bugs as I did.

    Below are a list of database sql files that I kept. Some may be useless.
    The list below may not be 100% of what I kept, but it will give you a good idea.

    One thing I noticed after importing everything is that all the permissions are set to allow for all user groups.

      ibf_posts ibf_profile_comments 

  6. I was going through the source code and saw that inside the IPB3 skin H2 & H3 tags are associated with text that really won't help a forum.
    Header tags help tell search engines what a site is about.

    I'll be going through the code & changing the majority of those around. I believe that forum titles should be a H2 & Forum category threads should be a H3. Thread descriptions could become an H4.

    Below are some examples of H2 being used improperly... in my opinion.

    • <h2>Our Board Statistics</h2>
    • <h2>1 active user(s) <span>(in the past 15 minutes)</h2>
    • <h2>Upcoming Calendar Events</h2>
    • <h2 class='hide'>Skin and Language</h2>
    • <h2 class='hide'>Execution Stats</h2>

    What I will be doing is changing Forum titles over to H2 tags.

    <h2>IPS Company Feedback</h2>

    Subforums could be coded with H3 tags.

    Again, this is just my opinion and something that I have implemented in the past that worked well for me.

  7. I think that would be a problem with the way IE8 is reading the CSS.

    Are they showing up fine in earlier IE versions?
    I personally use Firefox but I do check to see how things look in IE.
  8. Once IPB3 RC1 comes out I will be upgrading my community over to it.
    I've already changed a lot of the skin to how I want it to look.
    A few things need changing but overall I have completed my skin design.

    One thing I have noticed however is that in IE (8) the rounded corners do not show up.
    I know they are PNG but I use some PNG images myself (background) and they show just fine.

  9. Per keyword?

    Way toooooooo much work. If you want 50 then 50 is fine. People can learn to type to fit within a max ammount of chars. Otherwise people would just make long long words to evade that filter.

    Per Keyword is the effective SEO route. If you wanted to only list the first 4 keywords then it would list only the first 4 keywords. You would then have a blacklist of nonessential keywords that should be blocked such as: is,this,are...etc & you can decide which keywords should be blacklisted in the url.

    I worked with Juan on this when I was using vBulletin. I was a vBSEO staff member.
    It doesn't matter at all to me. I actually purchased CSEO & I have also recommended that change to their url system.
    CSEO will piggy back off IPB's SEO system. Thus reducing the resources required & effectively making CSEO more powerful.

  10. You can restrict the number of characters allowed in the topic title in your ACP settings. We've left ours deliberately long.


    Restricting per Character is not a good idea. It should be per keyword
    Maybe this can be an option in 3.1 along with a tagging system?
  11. I agree. There should be a limitation to how many "keywords" are used in the url. I wouldn't do limitations by a number of characters.
    Besides that post was a useless test that showed no true benefit or flaw of the current url system.

    If any of your members post gibberish then you can be alarmed.

  12. We simply didn't have the time to include it with this release. At some point we have to cut off adding features or we'll never release anything. We also don't want to just slap a tagging system on, we want to make sure that we do it right and that it really benefits the forum.

    I can understand that. vBulletin decided to slap a tagging system on & it turned out that the majority of users really did not like it...when compared to the mod from the .org.

    As far as who gets to create tags. This would be dealt with inside of the admin center.
    Their system allows you to designate which groups are allowed to create tags (every group gets to see them). Then you also should have the ability to cut off tags by a certain number say a maximum of 20 tags per thread.

    This system can and will be abused. I found that out first hand.
    Thus, I would hope there is a robust spam system integrated into 3.0 which would not only search for email address, urls, but also keywords that may be designated by the administrator or used in conjunction with a 3rd party like what is used with wordpress. If not now then perhaps in a late build.
  13. We've discussed a lot of ideas on this front, unfortunately the first release of IPB 3 will not have a tagging system, but we hope to add it in the future.

    That is a slight disappointment from my perspective. I was hoping that IP.Board 3.0 would include a tagging system. vBulletin included it in vBulletin 3.7 & I highly expected it to be included with IPB 3. What is causing the delay in implementing this useful (and needed) feature? I hope that when it does get implemented (IPB 3.1?) that it will include the option of pinging blog engines to make them aware of the tag and the new thread. I've found this has helped me a lot while using a vBulletin thread tagging system modification from zoints, before vBulletin officially included this feature.

    I ask that you seriously consider adding this feature at your earliest convinence after IPB 3.0 has been released and when an update is required. As a customer, I was looking forward to IPB having this option.
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