I was still hoping someone could answer this question for me. If we are trying to follow the instructions in the article on how to make the 3.0 view new contents work more like 2.3.x, it does seem to have different text. Here's my earlier post on the subject.
In the article it says
public function setUnreadConditions()
// All code in this function included
And change to
public function setUnreadConditions()
$this->setDateRange( intval( $this->memberData['last_visit'] ), time() );
But in the searchPlugin.php file on my server this is what I see in the public function setUnreadConditions{} line. It's different than the one listed in the article. What exactly should we be replacing?
public function setUnreadConditions()
$forum_conditions = array();
foreach( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id as $forumId => $forumData )
$lastMarked = ipsRegistry::getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $forumId ), 'forums' );
$readItems = ipsRegistry::getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchReadIds( array( 'forumID' => $forumId ), 'forums' );
$readItems = ( is_array( $readItems ) AND count( $readItems ) ) ? $readItems : array();
if( count($readItems) )
$this->whereConditions['OR'][] = "(t.forum_id={$forumId} AND t.tid NOT IN(" . implode( ",", $readItems ) . ") AND t.last_post > " . intval($lastMarked) . ")";
$this->whereConditions['OR'][] = "(t.forum_id={$forumId} AND t.last_post > " . intval($lastMarked) . ")";
* Builds the where portion of a search string
* @access private
* @param string $search_term The string to use in the search
* @param bool $content_title_only Search only title records
* @return string