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Posts posted by KiltsRock.com

  1. this morning, my forum started flagging HTTP 500 errors whenever the forum was accessed.


    I checked the error logs and all I get is this "Premature end of script headers: index.php"

    does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I've been running 3.0.4 for about 2 weeks without any trouble.

  2. We can't respond, unfortunately. Discussing web hosts other than IPS Hosting on IPS' own forums is not allowed.

    Remove the mention of the host you're considering, and it should be OK though as you're really asking if it'll work on distributed computing hosts. The answer to that is that it should work fine, so long as files are correctly available to all nodes (cache, avatars, etc)

    sorry about that....edited as you suggested.
  3. I want to know if anyone has hosted IP.board on a grid-style host? My current host, while inexpensive and overflowing with bandwidth and space, is a one-server, many sites hosting company, and my site with IP.board v3 is running slow there. I'd like to know if anyone is using a grid or other distributed style host and how they perform.

    any thoughts?

  4. not sure about 1 and 2, but to delete everything on the screen, click the little box on the left above the individual conversations. This will select ALL conversations on the screen. Then just click "delete" at the bottom of the screen and "POOF" they are gone!

    now that I think about it...if you search and get only messages you want to delete, you can use the same method to get rid of them as well.

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