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Posts posted by erc

  1. I'll restore the backup, and do it the correct way, thank you.

    I wonder if anyone else is receiving a spike in spam, or if we're just lucky.  It looks like registrations are being done manually (not bots) and getting through recaptcha and the spam defense options at level 1. 

    Once they're in, they're using an automated script to post spam as fast as the forum will allow without triggering the flood protection.

  2. Our community was recently overrun with bots that created more than 100 spam accounts and hundreds of pages of spam topics.

    I just wanted them out of the database, so I ran a search in the AdminCP for all users created today, and deleted them.  I probably should have marked them as Spam, but I noticed it early this morning, and acted pre-caffeine.

    Now I have the hundreds of pages of forum topics to clean up, but I can't find a simple way to bulk delete all forum topics created today.  There must be a way in the AdminCP?  If not, I can clean it up in the database with a few queries, but would really prefer not to go that route.

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