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Posts posted by tamplan

  1. It is not necessary here to report an issue but to propose an improvement.

    In the 'cp_skin_restrictions.php' line 327, you use this string 'Grant access to System application?' using two entries from a language file:

    <div class='tablesubheader'>{$form} {$this->lang->words['r_grantto']} {$application['app_title']} {$this->lang->words['application_bit']}?</div>

    For the module is in line 341:

    <div class='tablesubheader'>{$form} {$this->lang->words['r_grantto']} {$module['sys_module_title']} {$this->lang->words['module_bit']}?</div>

    Is there a way to use only 2 entries and not 3 for example nammed:

    'r_grantto_application' => "Grant access to '%s' application?",
    'r_grantto_module' => "Grant access to '%s' module?",

    In French and maybe in others languages, application and module have not the same 'gender' and the words the same places in the sentences.

    The final strings in French would be:
    'r_grantto_application' => "Donner l'acc

  2. Since version 2.3.x of IPB, the ibf_posts and the ibf_topics don't have the same type for the icon_id field.

    Let's imagine this situation, a member can use 127 (tinyint(2)) icons message in a post but much more in a topic (smallint(3)).

    We can use API to write topic with a incorrect icon message number we can not change later editing the first post of the topic.

    Not really a bug but using the same type for the icon_id field should be better not?

  3. This is only possible from version 3.0.2 of IPB.

    All interventions are my sole purpose as the improvement of IPB that I am a strong advocate and passionate... :wub:

    Not sure it is properly translated from French. :)

  4. In the 'core_public_global.php ' language file, you must have:

    'discussion' => "Forums",
    'tb_mlist' => "Members",

    Because "forums" and "members" are two applications of the IP.Board core and are not applications addons... :cool:

  5. For the skin issue of 'active content', in 'activePostsView', search:


    Replace twice by:


    And for the skin issue of 'new content', in 'newPostsView', search:


    Replace twice by:


    Hope this help, regards :thumbsup:

  6. Ok. As he said it is not possible at current to have that in more than one language. I'm sure they will have it compatible in a future release.

    This is false and not correct !!

    Read this code:

        static public function getAppTitle( $app )
            if ( ! $app )
                return '';
            return isset( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words[ $app . '_display_title' ] ) ?
                    ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->words[ $app . '_display_title' ] :
                    ( IN_ACP ? ipsRegistry::$applications[ $app ]['app_title'] : ipsRegistry::$applications[ $app ]['app_public_title'] );

    So, Vesperala, I presume you must add some entries in the romanian language file core_public_global.php:

    'blog_display_title' => "Blogs",
    'calendar_display_title' => "Calendar",
    'chat_display_title' => "Chat",
    'downloads_display_title' => "Downloads",
    'gallery_display_title' => "Gallery",
    'portal_display_title' => "Portal",

  7. [size="3"][color="#000000"][u]Here are my top suggestions:[/u][/color][/size]

    1. Improve multi-language support (also for RTL languages!!)

    Completely agree with this point.

    A week for an user can start on Monday and on Sunday for another one => an entry in language files not in settings.

    All the messages like the board offline's one => an entry in language files

    Boards rules ditto

    Anything that can be translated via PCA and depending on the language of a member should be in language files including date, time and number format.

    There is always a default language so we can image a 'date_short', 'date_long'... entries in language files not in settings.

  8. I am interested to know how to show the Gallery thumb-index for every languages installed on my forum.

    Ex : In french : Galeries

    When I choose english language : Gallery

    Thank you :)

    You must add the following lines in In the core_public_global.php french file :
    'calendar_display_title' => "Calendrier", 'chat_display_title' => "Tchache", 'downloads_display_title' => "T
    'blog_display_title' => "Blogs",

  9. In the core_public_global.php file, we have :

    'blog_display_title' => "Blogs",
    'calendar_display_title' => "Calendar",
    'chat_display_title' => "Chat",
    'downloads_display_title' => "Downloads",
    'gallery_display_title' => "Gallery",
    'portal_display_title' => "Portal",

    But absolutely nothing for the 2 applications 'forums' and 'members'.

    It is also for this reason that 'Forums' and' Members' are always the first applications to be offered in the tabs, then come the other applications for which we can change the order.

    Please move the 'forums' and 'members' applications by default in the '\admin\applications_addon\ips' folder like 'calendar' and 'portal'.

    All this lack of consistency and it's not very user-friendly...

    I apologize, I thought that move the 2 applications solve different problems at once.

    I opened this topic more to talk about the translation and removal of tabs

    Ordering of tabs is something we can look into for a future version but it doesn't have anything to do with your original post about where to store the files in the file system. That's what I was talking about :)

  10. And what about the order for the tabs ?

    If I choose to set 'IP.CCS' or the portal the default application, I prefer to have the corresponding tab completly on the right in my case... I must change this on each skins I have ?

    Not really user-friendly, right ?

  11. It is true that this is not logical, we have '\admin\applications':
    - Core: the system kernel
    - Forums: Forums
    - Members: members

    We have everything else in '\admin\applications_addon':
    - In 'ips' for applications from IPS (calendar and portal the defaults applications but also blog, downloads, gallery ...)
    - In 'other' for applications developed by other developers

    In the core_public_global.php file, we have :

    'blog_display_title' => "Blogs",
    'calendar_display_title' => "Calendar",
    'chat_display_title' => "Chat",
    'downloads_display_title' => "Downloads",
    'gallery_display_title' => "Gallery",
    'portal_display_title' => "Portal",

    But absolutely nothing for the 2 applications 'forums' and 'members'.

    It is also for this reason that 'Forums' and' Members' are always the first applications to be offered in the tabs, then come the other applications for which we can change the order.

    Please move the 'forums' and 'members' applications by default in the '\admin\applications_addon\ips' folder like 'calendar' and 'portal'.

    All this lack of consistency and it's not very user-friendly...

  12. I use a MemberSync class to make a bridge between IP.Board and an other application.

    Everything works fine except when I logout the forum, I would like to logout the other application.

    Perhaps, IPS devloppers can add a IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onLogout', $member ) call function in 'admin/sources/handlers/han_login.php' :

      	public function logoutCallback()
    		/* Member Sync */
    		IPSLib::runMemberSync( 'onLogout', $this->member_data );
      		$returns 	= array();
      		$redirect	= '';
    		foreach( $this->modules as $k => $obj_reference )

    To make us sure to not modify sourcecode after every update ?

    Thanks for reading me. :thumbsup:

    And sorry for my simple english, I translate from french with my old friend Google... :)

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