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Andy Millne

4.5: Blog Categories

Ever since Invision Community 4.x was launched you have been asking for the ability to categorize blogs in your community.

We heard you loud and clear, but sometimes when a feature sounds straightforward, it requires some re-engineering of the framework. Because users in your community can create both blog entries and their own blogs to hold these entries, this was one of those areas.

Starting with Invision Community 4.5 I’m pleased to announce that it is now possible for blog authors to categorize their blog entries and it's now possible for administrators to categorize blogs.

Blog Entry Categories
When creating a new blog entry, your members will now be able to create a new category for the entry or choose an existing one that had been created previously.

Submit New Blog Entry - Invision Community 2020-01-15 16-06-18.png

Choosing your category when creating a new blog entry

When a reader then visits the blog they can choose to display only those categories that interest them.

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Filtering by category

Blog Categories
Running a community where users can create their own blogs, you don’t only need to make sure individual pieces of content are categorized correctly, you also need to make sure the blogs themselves have a logical place. Well guess what? Now you can!

As an admin you can now set up predefined categories in the control panel and Blog authors can then choose which one to create their new blog in.

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Managing blog categories

We realize some of you have been waiting a long time to see these changes so we hope you enjoy this and everything else to come in Invision Community 4.5!

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