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Team Talk: What are you looking forward to most in 2018?

The Christmas lights are twinkling, the mince pies baked and the egg nog has been poured. With Christmas just around the corner, we turn our thoughts to what 2018 may bring.

Marc Stridgen (Tech support and kettlebell enthusiast)

I'm just looking forward to 2018 being less of a mixed year, as 2017 has been a bit of a bad one on the side of family, yet good with regards work and personal achievements. So here goes for my 2018:

  • Looking forward to 4.3 and beyond. 4.2 I feel has been a great release for people, and will be nice to expand on the 4.x platform over the next year.
  • Getting my wife and daughter to a happier place in life. Various things this year have meant they really haven't been.
  • I have 3 events so far this year that I'm attending. 1 x 5k obstacle course, 1 x 10k obstacle course, and a 60 mile ride from Manchester to Blackpool. I always look forward to these, as its always a good sense of achievement when they are done, and a good excuse to get that little more in shape.
  • Dev, dev, dev!! Whilst I am currently tier 1 support here at IPS, I'm actually a developer by trade. Currently I write .NET windows applications/services, and vast experience with TSQL. My aim this year is to update my own skillsets to web based development, and mysql. Something I have already started to do, but I'm going to be pushing myself more on over the coming year. It's fun to learn new things!

(Editor: Marc is a highly skilled SQL specialist. Even Wade has been known to ask Marc for advice)

Ryan Ashbrook (Developer, T3 specialist and guitar collector)

My life is actually pretty boring (Editor: nope, it's not) - I don't have a whole lot planned going into 2018, though I am looking forward to my 30th birthday in March. People think I'm weird for that.

I plan on getting back into music, though, as I've actually stopped playing throughout all of 2017 (aside from a few rare instances here and there), so it'll be nice to pick that up again as a healthy hobby.

I also wouldn't mind traveling more, and make a return trip to New Hampshire with my friends, which I haven't done in four-ish years now.

For IPS, I'm looking forward to seeing how 4.3 evolves and matures, as well as the new Community in the Cloud infrastructure.



Mark Wade (Senior Developer and praise withholder) 

  • Obviously 4.3 and onwards ?
  • I have some cool stuff (at least by my standards) planned, including weekends in Edinburgh and Berlin at the beginning of the year, and Country To Country Festival at the O2 in March ? and, best of all... Shania Twain at the O2 in October ?
  • Prides! ?️‍? This year I only did Manchester... a terrible effort. I need to get at least 2 in in 2018
  • New TV seasons, especially Black Mirror and GBBO.



(Editor: That's Great British Bake Off, the most British television show on the planet. People make cakes and then discuss cakes while drinking tea)

Brandon Farber (Developer)

For 2018 I'm most looking forward to:

  • Watching my beautiful baby daughter grow. Even with 6 kids, the baby phase is always such a special and enjoyable time.
  • Wrapping up some various challenges in real life that are finally coming to an end.
  • Watching my eldest son start college in the fall (UNC most likely)
  • Taking one big family vacation. We're hoping Disney World but we'll wait and see what's in store as the year gets going.


Probably the cutest pictures you'll see today.

Stuart Silvester (Developer and property mogul) 

I'm looking forward to 2018 being a better all around year for my close family, 2017 wasn't the best. I'm definitely looking forward to taking some more trips abroad, most like back to Italy and Madeira (Where my Wife and I spent Christmas 2016). I'm also looking forward to hopefully finding some spare time to work on other things such as renovating my home and putting my classic car back on the road. Learning new things is always useful, I've been wanting to start working on something such as an App or Node.JS (I've used it a little in the past, but not a lot), the issue however is the lack of spare time this year.

Mark Higgins (Tech Support and part-time Phil)

For 2018, I am hoping for an early warm Spring, then a mild Summer. Also hopeful that I can get my pop-up camper fixed so I can have a relaxing vacation in the Fall somewhere "up north" in one of our fantastic State Parks. That, and good health for me and my relatives.


(Editor's Tip: if you hear banjo music, get in your car and get out of there)

Jennifer Merriman (Designer and owner of the only pink avatar in chat)

What do I have to look forward to in 2018? Well this one was difficult because I prefer to live pretty spontaneously. However, I thought about the things in my life that I know will transpire this year.

  • My youngest child will turn 10 and my eldest 13... I'm terrified but excited to see them as they grow more independent.
  • Loosening up the mom reigns by letting my kids start to do things a little more out of my control more regularly.
  • A few million new movies like Aquaman, Jurassic World, Deadpool 2 and Incredibles 2.
  • Otherwise just improved situations for myself and those around me. Both health and whatever else needs improved upon.

Daniel Fatkic (Developer and owner of a store with sauna)

2018 is going to be a very busy year with my 3 jobs ( IPS, Dad and Handyman renovating a lot in the house) where I look forward in getting better in all 3 of them. :D 
Right now I'm working on my new home-office which will hopefully be finished soon, in spring I want to start the work on the outdoor area and create a patio and a rooftop terrace and the next winter project is the gym/spa area which won't leave much spare time or money for anything else.
So what I really really look forward to is 2019 where I can then finally relax and enjoy the stuff which was built in 2018.

(Editor: If you're wondering where your spare money went, look at your two LG 27" 5K monitors)

Rhett Buck (Hosting expert who needs a ladder to get into his car)

I'm looking forward to some time off and a trip to Texas with just the wife and I, top down, no phones, and a few days on the road to get there via Las Vegas, Arizona and a few other stops along the way. Spending a few days with friends relaxing watching MotoGP in Austin Texas, then a few days of relaxing on the open road on the way home. We had planned to go last year, but due to nasty weather, torrential rains, and flooding locally, we were displaced for a couple weeks which ruined our plans.



Andy Millne (Developer and international man of mystery)

Continued learning mostly. I’m looking forward to further improving my basic Italian language knowledge that I started taking a lot more seriously (It’s not just about waving your arms around). I would also like to fit in some more travel and to visit some old friends I haven’t seen in a while. There’s still so much of the world left to see though! Where to start? 

On an IPS related theme, I’m of course looking forward to 4.3 and seeing new features we’ve been working on released into the wild, and the stuff that hasn’t even been dreamt of yet.


Matt Mecham (Senior Developer, social media stuff and object of ridicule)

I'm really looking forward to 2018, personally and professionally.  I'm really excited about launching Invision Community 4.3 which is shaping up to build on the great foundation that 4.2 built and add some cool functionality. (Editor: yes, that's enough of the sales pitch, people want to read about the team).

As a dad of two, I enjoy watching my kids grow. My nine year old is becoming more independent and my two year old is getting more confident with speech. I love watching them grow up. We've also booked to take them to Disneyland in Paris in April which we're all looking forward to.


Disneyland Paris. Like the ones in America but colder and nearer to the UK.

We would love to hear what you're looking forward to in 2018. Let us know in the comments below!

Edited by Matt

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