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  • Theme Editor Settings


    I'm working with a customer to create bunch of Theme Editor Settings to redesign various places. for this, I have created an app and in Dev Center, made new category and settings inside. while everything works normally, I have issue with color type settings as these type seems won't save any changes. for example while theme editor active, I go change a custom color setting (either pick from pre-set colors or from color picker) and after save and page reload, any of my color changes won't being stored.

    This is only happen for color type settings and it's not issue with other types. so I'm not sure it is a bug or maybe I'm doing it wrong.

    I also find another irregularity with color type setting, which I think it is related to issue with changes won't save. in this setting, I provide a default value but it is not being shown in theme editor at first. only I have to click on the setting for customize to show defined default color.




    I tested two color type field, one with default value of "var(--i-base_3)" for both Dark/Light and other field with simple #fff and #000 for dark/light theme. both of them have same issues.

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    @Ehren may be able to advise you better on whether or not this is a bug



    I confirm. I have the same problem. When I call the color via {theme="var.xxxxx"}; it displays an error.

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