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Sudden flux of spam?


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Wondered if anyone else is suddenly receiving an influx of spam? We've had to ban around 10 accounts in the past couple of hours. Our spam settings are fully configured so not sure what's going on and how we can prevent? We've had to opt to manually approve new members as a short term measure.

Any advice would be appreciated!


  • Invisible ReCAPTCHA
  • Plus the below:


Could contain: Page, Text, Electronics, Hardware, File

A flavour of the gorgeous spam we're currently getting

Could contain: Text, MenuCould contain: Text, Menu, Page

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I would suggest using hCaptcha. You can then increase the sensitivity of this. You can also ensure you have multiple question/answer items there. If they are all from the same country and its one you wish to blog, there are also options related to country blocking on that same section too.

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