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Subscription finished and IPS NOT send any mail to renewal


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Hi team,

I've the user with id=2244 that had a annual subscription aproved manually by me and when finish your subscription period IPS not send any mail to renewal to the user. IPD should send the expiration situation in any case to inform user for this situation. Now I've a user unsubscribed and he and me haven't any info about it.

Have you take a look if can be an issue?

Thanks a lot.

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8 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I see you have email copies switched on there. Could you please check your email to see if you got the copy there. From what I can see, the email will have gone out to the user to state its expiring

I don’t receive any copy and user don’t receive any mail. So likes that IPS don’t send any renewal expiration mail in this case.

I’ve other users with card payment method configured for montly and yearly plans that send mails correctly. But this user made bank wire payment and I aproved your subscription manually. So i think that the problem is with manual aprovements or renewals.

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