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When trying to change PHP version - I receive error 500

Dimitri Kusteiko

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I'm currently using the Community Version 4.6.9 and would like to migrate to the newest 4.7.7

My current PHP version is 7.4  

When trying to switch to version 8.0 or 8.1 in order to perform the Community upgrade, I receive  the 500 error in my Community:


I have only standard plugins enabled, but disabling them does not resolve the problem.

My community 4.6.9  works with PHP versions from 7.1 to 7.4, but with PHP versions enbaled  that are greater than  7.4 or before 7.1, I receive 500 error


So I can not perform any upgrade 😞
Anyone can help please?

Thank you so much in advance

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If you upgrade to 8 (which you have to) you then need to run the upgrade manually by uploading a fresh set of files from your client area, and running the upgrade at /admin/upgrade . This is because the version you are on doesn't support PHP 8 so the automatic upgrader would be unavailable until that point

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