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Blocked admin account

Go to solution Solved by angle4cor,

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Hello. I run into an issue with my board. I did a fresh IPS 4.7.5 install and converted there a database from phpbb 3.3.9. Once all the background processes were finished, I've decided to merge the admin account I've installed the IPS board with together with my admin account from the phpbb3 database. I did a database backup before that. Something went wrong and I couldnt log in on the merged account anymore. I've been getting the wrong password error. I've tried to use "forgotten password", but nothing was sent to my email adress. I kept getting "You're account is blocked for the next 14 minutes". It kept on showing even after over 30 have passed. I've decided to do a database backup, but I still cant log in. Same old message = "Your account is blocked for the next 14 minutes". I've tried on two web browsers and have deleted cookies. Nothing helped. Its quite weird that it still happens on the backup. 


Can anyone here from the support staff reset my password? 

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This can only be due to an incorrect password. Its not something we can reset for you, however you can do this yourself. You would do this from the front end in the same location as any other account. So click to log in the front end, and click the forgotten password link

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Thank you for your answer, but like I've written in the first post, I am not getting any emails from the board when trying to reset the password. 

I've tried a few more times and thats what I am getting:

You have recently submitted a password reset request. Check your email within the next few minutes including any junk or spam folders.

I've checked all the spam folders. Whats concerning me now is that I've noticed I havent recieved any email from the board at all before, even the welcoming mail after installation. Not sure how its possible, but maybe the board isnt sending any emails, becase theres none setted up in the options? Can I edit it somehow in the mysql?

Just tried to register a test account and again, the board is not sending any confirmation emails. 
Edited by angle4cor
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