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Email notifications being flagged as bulk

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi, everyone! Going to preface my issue by saying I am NOT at all tech savvy, so any help y'all can provide, please talk to me like I'm in kindergarten. Lol

The email notifications haven't been working for a very long time. Like over a year. So, this is pre-any current updates. Pre-PHP end of life stuff. Yesterday I had my tech professional look at the error logs, and he's saying the system is flagging them as bulk emails (can actually see that error built into the code). The only emails the system should be sending out are confirmation for registration and to any registered members who have subscribed for notifications from particular forums. None of these are going through. Can't even get a password reset email to send.

Does anyone have guidance on how to fix this?

Also, what happened to the IPS support ticket option? I have the same plan I've always had, but now it's telling me that email support isn't included.

Thanks in advance!

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Support is actually here, so you are posting in the correct place. We have simply moved it 🙂

I would need to know more about what you mean by "They are being sent as bulk" here. If this is that they are being sent in batches via task, this is actually intentional. Notifications are sent instantly, unless there are a lot of a specific item. At that point they are put into the queue system to be sent instead.

Now on to the issue at hand, in you not getting notifications. The first thing you need to do is ensure you are up to date. You appear to be quite behind with updates

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Hi, Marc! Thanks for the reply.

We are behind, true. The site is being updates to PHP this weekend; however, this issue started long before we got behind. Would a screenshot of one of the errors help?

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I have taken a look at the email error logs there, and it is actually your outgoing email provider that are blocking these from being sent

"We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 220 and/or bulk e-mail."

It seems you are hitting limits on what you can send with your email provider. You would need to contact them for a resolution on this. The software itself is actually doing what it is designed to do, and sending the email. But your outgoing email provider is refusing to send these

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