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Showing our company forum URL in the browser while pointing to the Invision fosted forum url

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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 We have a question regarding DNS settings. We made our Forum URL (example https://<our-forum>.<company-name>.com to point to the hosted forum url (example https://f123456.invision.com) This was done using an A record rather than CNAME because we needed to map a host name to IP address first, and then to hosted forum after this.

The issue we are having is that when there is the redirection the URL of the hosted forum (in this example https://f123456.invision.com) is shown. How can we still keep the https://<our-forum>.<company-name>.com URL? Is this possible with CNAME record only? Do you think this issue can be solved from your end please?

Thanks and regards,
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This would indeed need doing with a cnames record. (2 in fact). We cannot do this via A record unfortunately. If you would like us to go ahead with this, I can get a ticket created for you in order to get details for your site specifically? 

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