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CHMOD issues

David Ehmer
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I'm trying to attach the forum software to a Wordpress site. During install we're prompted to add in the license key, and after that I get this error: 
Could contain: Text, File


The Wordpress site is hosted on WPEngine, and they support team can't help with this, as the permissions are locked to:
Directories: 0775
Files: 0664

What options do we have to install the forum with this limitation applied?



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Not off the top of my head, unfortunately. All we can say, is you must at least be able to perform the basics on your hosting. Not being able to set folders and files to the correct permissions, will be a limitation when using almost any platform

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Reason of your issue is very simple. The answer was clearly given by info you provided:


Directories: 0775
Files: 0664

Each of the column represents "element" the permission applies to. Lets skip the first 0 - it is not important to you, then second element is responsible for GROUP permission, then THIRD is User permission then last is permission flag for OTHER.

If you want to have "safe" set of permissions as presented by you then you MUST make sure the owning GROUP/USER of the folder/file is the GROUP/USER the web server is running on OTHERWISE you must set flag 7 to GROUP/USER.

My guess I would make a bet on is that owner of the file is different than the one web server is running on, possibly root or your individual user your machine runs on. In such case you have no other way than setting the FOLDER/FILE permission to 775 and in certain cases 777 what from point of view of server administrator is like having knife on his neck.

To change group of files recursively you enter specific folder and use:

chgrp -R group_name *

for user you use:

chown -R username *

to change file permissions you use chmod command

If you cannot change permissions/file owner then as guys suggested - your hosting sucks 😞


Edited by PatrickRQ
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On 8/31/2022 at 3:30 AM, David Ehmer said:

The Wordpress site is hosted on WPEngine, and they support team can't help with this, as the permissions are locked to:
Directories: 0775
Files: 0664

If you can't change permissions or your hosting provider, you had better change your hosting provider. I am not into recommending shared hosting providers but if this is the only choice you can go with A2hosting or Bluehost. If you can go VPS try: Linode, Digital Ocean, and Vultr. As long as you have the knowledge and the will to set up everything by yourself (server security, software installation, and maintenance).
Wpengine seems good but only for Wordpress sites.

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