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A few questions regarding the Gallery/Photos


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Is there a way to organize the Gallery by Member. I realize it identifies the member, but it would be nice to have it organized so each member had their own "folder" of all of their photos. Maybe it does this, but I just have a setting wrong a far as viewing the gallery.

2nd, it seems when i upload a photo in a thread, it is inconsistent on letting me add a tag.

Also, is there any way to have a photo posted to Instagram be automatically added to a members gallery? Or maybe the opposite...right now it seems you can select to send it to IG chat/message, but can't add it as a post. Ideally it would go from IG to the member gallery, but either would be ok.

Final question, is it possible to have each club show different tags specific to that club? If so, I'm apparently doing it wrong.

Thanks in advance!

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6 hours ago, TimeTexasChris said:

Is there a way to organize the Gallery by Member. I realize it identifies the member, but it would be nice to have it organized so each member had their own "folder" of all of their photos. Maybe it does this, but I just have a setting wrong a far as viewing the gallery.

You can force albums, but there is no way specifically to force an order by member and have just a 1 member album each. You would need modification in order to achieve this.

6 hours ago, TimeTexasChris said:

2nd, it seems when i upload a photo in a thread, it is inconsistent on letting me add a tag.

Please could you provide more information on what you mean here?

6 hours ago, TimeTexasChris said:

Also, is there any way to have a photo posted to Instagram be automatically added to a members gallery? Or maybe the opposite...right now it seems you can select to send it to IG chat/message, but can't add it as a post. Ideally it would go from IG to the member gallery, but either would be ok.

There is no way in which to do this at the present time.

6 hours ago, TimeTexasChris said:

Final question, is it possible to have each club show different tags specific to that club? If so, I'm apparently doing it wrong.

Unfortunately there is no way in which to do that within the platform.


If you do wish to see any of these appear in future releases, please feel free to post them up within our suggestion forum.

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Thank you very much for the response. I will definitely add those to the suggested adds.

As far as the tags, it seems inconsistent. If I'm in a club and I post a photo, I can add a tag. If I just post to the gallery, I can't. Ideally if a member posted a photo in the gallery, they would be able to tag it and then it could show up in images for that club.

In the club forum there is a forum for photos and I can include a tag. In the regular gallery, it gives me the option to "Set tags on all" but when I select it, there's nowhere to enter the tag. I can only hit save.

In any event, not a huge deal unless I could then use the tags to rotate photos within the club. But here are some screenshots below to show what I mean. Sorry for the size...but hopefully this helps.

Thank you!

Here is the option provided in the member gallery - no tag, just save:

Could contain: Text, Page


Here is the option in the club forum for photos - provides a space to insert the tag:

Could contain: Text, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Phone, Electronics, Computer Keyboard, Computer, Hardware, Keyboard, Computer Hardware


There is no option to tag a photo in the regular forum for photos, you can only tag that entire thread as a tag, not specific posts/photos.

Could contain: Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Phone, Electronics, Text

Could contain: Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Phone, Electronics, Text




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Also noticed something else interesting - not about photos.

I wanted to send a link to the site, so I copied the link and pasted it in. It (very nicely I might add) included the logo of the site with the link I sent. However, it also included subtext from one of the forums which isn't a main part of the forum. How do I change what it shows when I post a link? I'd prefer just the logo and maybe a byline or something rather than the contents of a subforum.

Screenshot to clarify. The text at the bottom is simply a description from one of the subforums, not a description of the site.

And thank you!

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With the tags, please check that one a default unaltered theme and test to see if that works. It looks  like you are hitting a bug there.

With the links, I would need to know what link you used and where you posted it. It looks to be like its being pulled by the site you are posting it on, rather than something your site is doing 

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14 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

With the tags, please check that one a default unaltered theme and test to see if that works. It looks  like you are hitting a bug there.

With the links, I would need to know what link you used and where you posted it. It looks to be like its being pulled by the site you are posting it on, rather than something your site is doing 

Thanks Marc. I switched to the default invision theme and still had the same issues. If you want to try it, the site is https://bespokenlounge.watch/board.

As far as the link, it was sent as a message in Instagram. So it is likely pulled from Instagram. Just weird that it pulled a random subforum description, so figured maybe I had something set incorrectly where it thought that was the site description.

I appreciate the help very much. Unfortunately, I'm extremely inexperienced at this. But I have to say the fact I have been able to create a board 100% on my own is downright incredible, these small issues aside.


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I just need you to check on your end to see if the issue is still present.

If it isnt we would need to look further into this for you. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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So I wonder if this might be a part of the issue:

I've been poking around and it does allow members to have folders devoted to them. But under the settings for the gallery when setting up a folder, it has the following, and I'm wondering if by having this set as Use Default, then I don't know what the default tags are. So maybe I should create Preset tags for all of the categories? Not sure, just thinking this may be why it shows a Tag option in the gallery, but it doesn't let you click on it and include a tag.

Thoughts on that? And is there somewhere to set system tags so that it allows people to select the proper tag?

Thanks again!


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