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Upload file failure

Logan Douglas

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Please check this on a default unaltered theme first of all, as that is the most likely cause. If you are then still having problems on a default theme, and with all 3rd party items disabled, update all your access details on file and we can take a look.

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Ok - Currently running the acme theme, so how do we go forward resolving this?

- Any tips on locating the issue in the theme?

- No errors in error logs

- No obvious errors in browser console

- Who should I contact regarding the theme? The developer?

- Any idea on where to look at upload errors?

Really don't want to be resolving an issue with 12 hour gaps between replies from both support & forums. We've paid a fair bit for the software, to be able to upload photos should be a basic function especially using a freshly updated theme with thousands of other users?

Disabling a theme does nothing much for our site - Yeah, could be a problem with the theme but where too from there?

If our forum grows extensively - and we have an upload issue - Who's going to help in future? Are we going to get told " oh just disable your theme and see how you go ? "

We need support - People who can fix an issue or direct us with some decent information on how to resolve otherwise I cant see our board throwing money at invision corp for further development.



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Please note that while I understand your frustration there, our response time can be up to 72 hours, even though we are generally much much faster than that. However in this case, you are actually asking for support on a product you havent purchased from ourselves. If the issue is only happening on that 3rd party theme, you would need to contact the author of that theme for assistance.

You say disabling the theme does nothing much for your site. What do you mean there? Are you saying you are still having the same issue?

With regard your question on support, you would indeed be asked to disable 3rd party items at times, including theme, if you are having an issue, and that should indeed be your first step. Note, this isnt just on our software, but pretty much any on the market. 

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Found this error

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/

GET https://ourdomain**/applications/core/interface/js/js.php?src=core/interface/plupload/plupload.full.min.js&csrfKey=&antiCache=keyhidden 404 not found

The file are all there with all correct permissions?

Any help would be appreciated - our forum has been brought to its knees because of this upload issue for more than a week 😞

Edited by Logan Douglas
added extra details
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We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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