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Imported vBulletin 3.8 site into my IPB site, lots of "There are no posts to show" issues

Ohio Riders
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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I have an interesting problem. After importing a large vBulletin 3.8 site into my IPB site (2M ish posts), many newly imported threads appear within their forum, with post counts, dates, topic starter, etc, but when you click you get "There are no posts to show". 






Any ideas? 

In the system log I see this: 



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Soooo..... This isn't good I assume. 


MariaDB> select * from ipb34_forums_topics where tid = 245271\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                 tid: 245271
               title: I am Clay’s last car purchase post on CR…
               state: open
               posts: 20
          starter_id: 19808
          start_date: 1646602406
      last_poster_id: 19808
           last_post: 1646699245
        starter_name: zeitgeist57
    last_poster_name: zeitgeist57
          poll_state: NULL
           last_vote: NULL
               views: 204
            forum_id: 94
            approved: 1
         author_mode: 0
              pinned: 0
            moved_to: NULL
     topic_firstpost: 0
   topic_queuedposts: 0
     topic_open_time: 0
    topic_close_time: 0
  topic_rating_total: 0
   topic_rating_hits: 0
           title_seo: i-am-clay’s-last-car-purchase-post-on-cr…
            moved_on: 0
topic_archive_status: 0
      last_real_post: 1646699245
  topic_answered_pid: 0
        popular_time: 0
            featured: 0
     question_rating: NULL
   topic_hiddenposts: 0
     topic_meta_data: 0
             is_anon: 0
    last_poster_anon: 0
1 row in set (0.000 sec)


MariaDB> select * from ipb34_forums_posts where topic_id = 245271;
Empty set (0.001 sec)


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  • Solution

The first thing I see in your erorr log there is that you have 3rd party items loading up which are known not to work in the latest release of the platform (Rules for example). I would advise on not running any at all while you perform your conversion.

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10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

The first thing I see in your erorr log there is that you have 3rd party items loading up which are known not to work in the latest release of the platform (Rules for example). I would advise on not running any at all while you perform your conversion.

I was worried about that. Trying again with all 3rd apps/plugins removed. 

In past releases, didn't the applications page tell you it was disabled if incompatible? This latest version doesn't appear to do that anymore. Maybe I'm crazy. 

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17 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

The first thing I see in your erorr log there is that you have 3rd party items loading up which are known not to work in the latest release of the platform (Rules for example). I would advise on not running any at all while you perform your conversion.

Uninstalled all 3rd party apps and plugins, ran the import again, worked like a charm. Weird that it didn't error or anything. Just a silent failure. But I'll take it. Thanks. 

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7 hours ago, Ohio Riders said:

Uninstalled all 3rd party apps and plugins, ran the import again, worked like a charm. Weird that it didn't error or anything. Just a silent failure. But I'll take it. Thanks. 

Thats great to hear 🙂 

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