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UTF8 not working after upgrade


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Hi everyone.

Recently I upgraded 3.4.6 to latest 4.5.2 version.

All went fine but the enconding were a mess.

There were no errors during the upgrade, all checks were green and the UTF8 convertor did not showed any errors.

Now I am with unreadable content and I seek help.

The hosting that I am using has defauld charset latin1, should I ask them to change the server charset to UTF8 ?

Any advice will be helpful.

I already addressed the support, but the said that is on DB level mess. Anyway, I got the same DB for 7 years on my previous version working fine.

And again - no errors during the upgrade!

Before the upgrade, I was using the same DB with 



Edited by sate
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Check that the forums_posts table characters were converted in the correct way. If so, it is the server's fault.

3 hours ago, sate said:

The hosting that I am using has defauld charset latin1, should I ask them to change the server charset to UTF8 ?

Yes definitely. Server character encoding should be set to UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4).

Edited by SeNioR-
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