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Events attended count - plugin/app needed


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We have an offroad club and we manage several drives (events) every week.

Based on number of drives (events) attended we promote off-roaders.

Digging historical data on excel pulled from calender feed is getting tedious.

So we are looking for a plugin/app where every member drive count is logged.

Members Drive Count

We need a new tab/section in members profile to display the links of all drives he/she has attended like this:

  • Date | Event Creator Name | Drive Title - From recent to old order.

Also Drive count (just a number) to display on profile left side widget. And below text should be a link to above more detail page/tab/section.

  • Drives Attended: 52
  • Drives Lead: 12 (For members who are event creators as well).

Please PM your offers.

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