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Better preview instead of Sorry you do not have permission ?


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Hi dear Invision community !

I would like to know if you have a tip to change the preview message of a restricted area, posted for example in a Facebook group. See below. 

How can we see the real title of a restricted topic in a preview ? Thank you so much for your help.



Edited by vbauss
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In your AdminCP (administrator control panel), if you search for the phrase "custom," you can customize the error pages and message. You'll have used to the full editor when doing so, so you can be as creative as you would on a forum post.  But if I understand you correctly, you wish to give people a tease or sneak peek of what they are missing out on.  Unfortunately, that would be beyond the scope of the core features and require an add-on. The whole point of denying permissions is for people not to know what is behind the closed door.

I could not locate such an add-on. But there is a business listing of available developers who are available to hire if you are interested in having one created.   https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/

Edited by Linux-Is-Best
autocorrect mistype
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