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Unification of settings


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Needing an "Other Settings" panel in Account Settings is a bit of a red flag that maybe all of those settings-related things should be unified to make them more coherent.

  • I see no reason for ignored users to be separate
  • Notification settings has a slightly more complex UI, but I can't see any blockers to bringing that UI into settings, and doing so would bring it inline with other sites (GitHub, Stack Overflow, reddit, and iirc also facebook etc)
  • Profile settings is more arguable because having it as a dialog when viewing your own profile is good, but the profile settings is also where I think the most benefit can be gained - users expect their signature settings to be in their profile, because that's where their other public-facing things are configured, and they expect to be able to change other things by going to settings. This probably needs more consideration of the tradeoffs, and maybe finding a neat solution, but my feeling at the moment is that unifying them would make sense.
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