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504 Gateway Timeout in Admin Panel


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I've randomly started getting 504 timeouts attempting to access any part of my forum Admin Panel, increasing my PHP time outs to 300 I finally managed to login but it's extremely slow.

I enabled slow log and it's reporting this, seems to be an issue fetching the news? 

script_filename = index.php
[0x00007fa1bfe1e610] curl_exec() system/Http/Request/Curl.php:387
[0x00007fa1bfe1e570] _execute() system/Http/Request/Curl.php:422
[0x00007fa1bfe1e4a0] _executeAndFollowRedirects() system/Http/Request/Curl.php:298
[0x00007fa1bfe1e430] get() applications/core/extensions/core/Dashboard/LatestNews.php:68
[0x00007fa1bfe1e350] refreshNews() applications/core/extensions/core/Dashboard/LatestNews.php:48
[0x00007fa1bfe1e2a0] getBlock() applications/core/modules/admin/overview/dashboard.php:59
[0x00007fa1bfe1e180] manage() system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:96
[0x00007fa1bfe1e100] execute() system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:152
[0x00007fa1bfe1e090] run() index.php:14

The main admin page also shows this:


Seems like there's a ridiculously long timeout trying to fetch the Invision news which is blocking everything. 




I've commented out the following as a temporary fix, can someone confirm this is an Invision issue and not related to my server?

	protected function refreshNews()
		//\IPS\Data\Store::i()->ips_news = json_encode( array(
		//	'content'	=> \IPS\Http\Url::ips( 'news' )->request()->get()->decodeJson(),
		//	'time'		=> time()
		//) );


Edited by twisted89
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Do you know the URL it requests for news so I can test? 



Nevermind, managed to find it. Seems my server can't reach remoteservices.invisionpower.com, pinging works fine from my PC but get host unreachable from my server. Submitted a support ticket to host. 

Edited by twisted89
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