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Changing the default font size

Pavel Chernitsky

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After much search, very confuse, such frustrate, wow, I have no other option besides asking/suggesting it here: Is there any way, or can you add a way, to change the default font size with which the forums are displayed? The fonts are just too small to be comfortably readable, especially on the mobile interface. this could be an ACP site-wide setting or a per-user-by-user choice.

Ctrl+mouse wheel isn't a solution since it enlarges everything - including avatars, menus and everything else - which is actually properly sized. and also there's the issue of not having mouse wheels (or a Ctrl key) on phones nowadays...

Send help. please. 

Edited by Pavel Chernitsky
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Never said anything about free. My initial thought was actually that there might be a plugin or maybe someone would see this and get the motivation to make one.
And as I said, I've implemented the code you put here and while it was helpful, it was also, as you said yourself, "a start".


BTW, if it wasn't clear, thanks a whole lot for the help 🙂

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This is actually built into almost all browsers by default, CMD + on mac and ALT + on windows, it retains memory based on the site as well, so you can have your users adjust this as needed for their sites they use.


Mac - Cmd' + '+' (plus) to zoom in

Win - Ctrl' + '+' (plus) to zoom in

You can manually edit the theme, however there would be many areas to edit as there is different text size in many places. 



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Not to mention those constant email notifications from Google telling me that my site is losing-out in search rankings due to mobile usability issues. "The text is too small to read..."

I'm actually paying someone to go through my site and make the text readable on mobile devices. I'm sure the wizz-kids among you lot can fiddle around with the CSS to your heart's content. But I am paying for an "off-the-shelf" software solution so that I can concentrate on my site content, without having to worry about the back end. A simple setting in the ACP would work for me.

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On 4/2/2020 at 7:03 PM, Rhett said:

Mac - Cmd' + '+' (plus) to zoom in

Win - Ctrl' + '+' (plus) to zoom in

Got to say I feel kind of bad for giving you the impression I don't know how to zoom in and out on a website 😂


On 3/12/2020 at 12:02 AM, Pavel Chernitsky said:

Ctrl+mouse wheel isn't a solution since it enlarges everything - including avatars, menus and everything else - which is actually properly sized. and also there's the issue of not having mouse wheels (or a Ctrl key) on phones nowadays...


Edited by Pavel Chernitsky
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This is what I mean about the Mobile Usability issues warnings that I get from the Google Search Console:



Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 3 Mobile Usability issues:

Top Issues

The following issues were found on your site:

We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.


So, obviously, Google doesn't know how to zoom in and out on a website, either?!!


The issue, for me, is not so much a CSS fix to increase the text size for existing site content. I can work with my moderator on that...

What I am more interested in is just making the default text size for any new content posted larger, so that we can at least see an end to this Herculean task.



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4 hours ago, Phil Këvin said:

Hello, I have the same issue with default small font, and i'm using default theme. I got some errors from Google Search Console (Mobile Usability)




This collection of errors does not point to text being set too small in general. It points to a page that was (visually) broken while being crawled, e.g. because the CSS wasn’t loaded at all. 

Edited by opentype
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