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1 minute ago, tgs-shaun said:

It works fine, I see the "Mark Topic" button, I just thought it would be useful to "premark" topics when they are created, as that is the usual flow of things. For example if a user lists something for sale, they would wish to mark it as for sale at the time of thread creation.

I know what you mean, and I've actually been thinking about adding a similar feature as I need something like this for my own community. I just need to figure out the best way to, as in your example with listing something for sale, unmark the topic as for sale and "remark" it as sold. Any suggestions?

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8 minutes ago, Runar said:

I know what you mean, and I've actually been thinking about adding a similar feature as I need something like this for my own community. I just need to figure out the best way to, as in your example with listing something for sale, unmark the topic as for sale and "remark" it as sold. Any suggestions?

Ah, I hadn't realised that once the item was sold you had to unmark then remark, that's fine I guess I just need to explain that in a pinned topic.

The main point I was making was to mark it at creation time, just saves a confusing additional step I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Edjazoli said:

Any chance you could add a key to this translation "unmark as %s" as you have with "marks as %s"

Good idea, I’ll add it to the list of future features. It shouldn’t take too long!

1 hour ago, Edjazoli said:

As well I've got two "unmark" for rest of the members after choosing " Allow anyone to unmark the topic?↩️

That doesn’t look right. Would you please translate the text to the left of the buttons, and tell me how the text ended up there? Are you using any plugins that do something with that part of the page?

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6 hours ago, Runar said:

That doesn’t look right. Would you please translate the text to the left of the buttons, and tell me how the text ended up there? Are you using any plugins that do something with that part of the page?

Hi please feel free to check forum yourself using login details below.

As I said its happening only with another groups...

This is the test topic that will you possibly of checking yourself.


Username: send pm

Password: send pm 


Another plugin that is hooked here is a translation by @Nathan Explosion.

Edited by Edjazoli
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55 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

What is the selector you are using on your theme hook?

I use the following selector (and the add_inside_start type) to target the <ul> element containing the topic action buttons:

elClubContainer > div.ipsClearfix > ul.ipsToolList.ipsToolList_horizontal.ipsClearfix.ipsSpacer_both

The issue in this case is that when a topic is closed, there are suddenly two <ul> lists. I don’t know if this is caused by your application or not, but it’s not normal behavior. Again, this only happens in closed topics.

55 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Also, is your resource an application or is it a plugin?

It's been an application since version 2.0.0.

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Looks like  after @Nathan Explosion latest update the button is disappearing after" marking as a sold"(mobiles only) so its not possible to unmark topic(mobiles only)

Another question, its any chance that button "sold" "solved" will be visible as well in the "topic feeds" block?

Its nice to have this as members can see badge in the main page as well...


Edited by Edjazoli
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1 hour ago, Edjazoli said:

Looks like  after @Nathan Explosion latest update the button is disappearing after" marking as a sold"(mobiles only) so its not possible to unmark topic(mobiles only)

Indeed, it even hides the “Start new topic” button on mobile devices. Hopefully he’ll release another fix soon!

1 hour ago, Edjazoli said:

Another question, its any chance that button "sold" "solved" will be visible as well in the "topic feeds" block?

Good idea, I’ll add it to the list of future features.

1 hour ago, Edjazoli said:

As well, I cant find anywhere option to give my moderators an option to mark/unmark? Sorry for all the questions....

This is a known issue and I’m working on a fix that’ll hopefully be released this week.

And don’t apologize for asking questions or requesting new features! Keep them coming! 😊

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9 minutes ago, Runar said:

Indeed, it even hides the “Start new topic” button on mobile devices. Hopefully he’ll release another fix soon!

This is the problem with theme hooks - one thing affects another. No idea why my modification to my own added HTML would result in what you guys are describing but there we go.

I'll just avoid using hooks into an area that other people are already hooking into, sort the issue out.

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34 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

This is the problem with theme hooks - one thing affects another. No idea why my modification to my own added HTML would result in what you guys are describing but there we go.

What selector are you using to add the translate button?

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6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Same as you - don't worry, leave it with me...I'll just not use it.

Thank you for making changes (even small) to your application to fix this issue, and for doing so quickly.

I asked mainly because it’s weird that using this hook duplicates the <ul> element, so it could be worth reporting as a bug.

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Just now, Runar said:

Thank you for making changes (even small) to your application to fix this issue, and for doing so quickly.

I asked mainly because it’s weird that using this hook duplicates the <ul> element, so it could be worth reporting as a bug.

No need - I'm adding the extra UL, it's working as I intend it to work. The issue is that there are other things in that area (your application) that are affected by that.

As I said...don't worry, leave it with me...I'll just not use it.

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