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Questions on how to configure IPS as an OAuth Server?


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Trying to play with IPS as an OAuth Server, I have a few issues which I need help since I'm not sure I understand it correctly.

I went through the guide and set the whole thing up and provide few endpoints of the REST API to access

eg. Authorized User and Member

Assume it is on localhost/forums as where I did a test install

Via Postman, I was able to get a bearer token via Postman using the client id and secret key

On the next step, I suppose using Postman as client to test out the authenticating, but I don't see anything to popup to view authorisations in the account settings? 

1. So which url, I should call once I got the token I've tried

http://localhost/forums/api/core/me but no succes?

In another word, which url link in the flow to use to talk to the authorization server so it can open the link for user to enter credentials to get response from the REST API?

2. In the settings tab, what to put in the Redirect URIs? Is that an url once authentication is successful?

eg. I'm supposed to put my game url there, right?

Any help is appreciated!

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  • 2 months later...

So busy, but I did finally find time to rework on it.

Finally, everything is sorted out. I can use /core/me with an access token retrieved from a valid authenticated user via Postman and get back member's info like social fb API.

{ "id": 1, "name": "LuckyRiver", "title": null, "formattedName": "LuckyRiver", "primaryGroup": { "id": 4, "name": "Administrators", "formattedName": "Administrators" }, "joined": "2019-03-09T02:07:57Z", "reputationPoints": 0, "photoUrl": "https:\/\/localhost\/oauth\/uploads\/monthly_2019_03\/poker.jpg.cd2f3666a1e1aafafc7e1be1b8749669.jpg", "photoUrlIsDefault": false, "coverPhotoUrl": "https:\/\/localhost\/oauth\/uploads\/monthly_2019_03\/tikibar.jpg.58b8d0cc15b195d682d57d0d4fb0fd1e.jpg", "profileUrl": "http:\/\/localhost\/oauth\/index.php?\/profile\/1-LuckyRiver\/", "posts": 1, "lastActivity": "2019-03-09T07:42:44Z", "lastVisit": null, "lastPost": "2019-03-09T02:08:19Z", "profileViews": 5, "birthday": null, "customFields": { "1": { "name": "Personal Information", "fields": [] } } }

Now, what's left is to get rid of all custom authenticated code to use Oauth2 to authenticate player which is a member of the game site and get his photo to display in game. Next will be to save cash game  into point system!  

Guess I will be busy with poker soon! :)

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