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Gametracker banner errors

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The banners from the description of Categories or forums don`t update anymore... http://prntscr.com/lm65n9 Here is a jpg to see directly where is the problem and not only here every gametracker banner that i have it on board don`t update anymore.... i think is a task or something that is stoped...!Tnx again for helping me!


Ok let me explain again,

So got a banner https://prnt.sc/lm65n9 This one where it says that are 8 players from 32 slots (not updated/refreshed banner) on my forum but when i check theyr site ( https://www.game-state.com/ ) is refreshed and show the real players from the server, and i think is a problem with a task or something because every banner i use in my descriptions from categories or sub-forums are not updated with real statistics from my servers!


Can someone help me out?...

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