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I am trying to do a customization where, i change TOPIC COUNT of the FORUM - into just the name of the forum..

Trying to use English Language translation - but not sure if there is a short-code for NAME of current forum the way there is for current TOPICS.

{# [1:topic][?:topics] in this forum} in english translation shows this


looks like this in language string


i am trying {[?:forum]} which i thought would load name of current forum

i even tried this


which seemed logical, but didnt return name of current forum.

The url of the page is like this


so i know the forum name is loading on that page, but want to know the short-code if possible, to pull in JUST the NAME of the forum not the blurb "1 topic in this forum"

Maybe i need to change the HTML of the page.. don't know where that would happen as I am not used to editing the html in the ACP just css, and other things like Language..

Thanks for any guidance.



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Ok thanks, i get you, again im trying to post name of forum, if it can't be pulled through translation, how might i achieve that? When i say short code trying to pull in something as i've seen in translations.. with %% etc.. Just a way to load the name of forum.

Again, maybe i need to edit html.

I am brand new to IPS been learning for a new client, used to raw html, php, wordpress etc, trying to learn here.

Again thanks,


Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 6.41.52 PM.jpg

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You would have to customize the template and pass the forum name into the language string, in addition to changing the language string to accept another parameter.  

This isn't something you can do solely in languages because languages are forum agnostic.  They don't have any context of where they are being used unless given that information from the theme.

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I found this.. i dont know where that string shows up, but seems it loads name of forum..


4 minutes ago, Aiwa said:

You would have to customize the template and pass the forum name into the language string, in addition to changing the language string to accept another parameter.  

This isn't something you can do solely in languages because languages are forum agnostic.  They don't have any context of where they are being used unless given that information from the theme.

OK thanks for that comment.


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