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Forum Coverart

Steph Jensen

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I am using the grid view for forums but i feel it looks a bit boring

What i want, is to add an image to each forum. I've downloaded a plug in that allows me to put a cover image to each forum, but that is only a banner when i view the actual forum (no image in grid view)

The closest i could get, was to add an image in the description for each forum. This might work, even though i am not sure how to get it right. On the other hand, it looks strange in the actual forum view.

Do you have any good sugestions to this?

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Mark Round, i'm not sure if that will work, or how that works, but here is a print screen of the forums.

I had hoped that each "box" would be able to be or have an image backgound, with text overlay. This image should be different for each forum. I've already set each forum to have a specific header graphic/banner, but the forum category looks boring and flat. Would like to have each forum look like a graphic/bannerforums.thumb.png.2ff517c5fc36606ee154ebaa9cb9f896.png

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 Ah I see , sorry I misunderstood slightly . This should still be possible by targeting the forum id in grid view for each container . I can't inspect properly right now as I am not at my pc but I will test this in the morning unless someone comes with the code in the meantime.

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