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Topics from deleted categories not deletable


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Dear Community,

I am pretty desperate. Just a short story: I had two forum categories: german forums and english forums with a lot of sub forums. Now I made the decision to make this forum to an english only forum.

Everything works brilliant. But then I have deleted the whole german forums category and now the threads are keep showing in the fluid view and in the topic feed (e.g. sidebar).

If I try to mark them and delete them nothing happens.When I am going to enter the topic then this message appears:


Sorry, there is a problem

                                          We could not locate the item you are trying to view.

Error code: 2F173/O

Updated from 4.19 to 4.2 Beta 8 and afterwards to 4.2 gold. 

I tried the following things:

- Delete Cache / Page / Browser
- Rebuild search index
- Changed to default theme (to make sure it has nothing to do with my theme)
- Updated / Upgraded and rebooted the server (even if it makes no sense)
- Turned off all applications and plugins

I just can delete them if I delete my whole content under the member settings, but I don't want to delete my content.

The last way is to transfer my content to a second account and delete my content. So it will transfer the living topics to another account and kill the dead one (lol).

Could you do me a favor? Create a forum, create a thread, delete the whole category and make sure you do not have the same bug. Would appreciate it!

Best regads,


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There are no background processes currently running.

Deleted about 24 hours ago. This should not take that long for about 50 topics.

I tried to merge my content into another account with the hope that the "dead content" will disappear. The result: I lost my ID #1 administrator account. Glad that I have created an IPS Support account. There should be a warning or something like that. I just want to move my content into an other account, why this will delete my account. lol

I starts to getting annoying. 4.2 was the best and the worst update at the same time. I like the new features but problems like that were removed in 4.19 and reappear in 4.2 for me.


Edit: It says background tasks are not running when community is offline. Tried to go online. 

Edit2: There are no backgrounds tasks so I guess it doesn't matter.

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So I made it. I just used the SQL Toolbox in the admin panel, went to the table "forum_topics", then I searched for the TID of my dead threads and executed the following command:

DELETE FROM forums_topics WHERE tid = 12

Now all the dead threads are deleted.


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