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Custom fields on registration page issue

Rishub Mehta

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I have a question regarding custom profile fields on the registration page.

For almost a year now, I have had a Select Box (drop down menu) on my registration page called "Game" with 5 different games listed. Upon registration, the user selects their game via the drop down menu. It is a required field.

After a recent update to IPS software, this profile field has stopped working. No matter what option the user selects, it no longer displays in their profile. When I view the user through the ACP, the drop down shows a 'blank' field selected under 'Game' - There is no blank option possible on the field, yet it keeps defaulting to it in the ACP. If I manually change their game to what they wanted to pick from the blank option, it once again shows up on their profile and post container.

This was never an issue but it has just started happening. I even tried to create a new drop down menu with similar options and it is doing the same thing. Even when there isn't a blank option, it is defaulting to a blank option. I have to manually go into the ACP and unselect the blank option on their profile and change it to what they wanted from the menu.

I have also tried this with text box, radio boxes, check boxes and allowing multiple choices on the select box. All have the same issue. It doesn't save what they select/write/choose, but instead it saves it as a blank option so it doesn't appear on the profile or post container.

Any ideas?

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