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Can I trust Tapatalk premium apps?


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I already trust IPS Community Suite. I sold my previous site and license but I have experience and love the product.

Now I'm starting something new, but people want native apps and currently the only solution I found was Tapatalk.

I know the app is basic, but if it works smoothly, that's all I need to know before purchasing an IPS license.

Of course I could ask them, but of course they would say, it works.

What I'm looking for is feedback from folks who actually use Tapatalk premium apps.

P.S.: @BariatricPal - I found your topic about the upcoming native apps you're launching. Amazing. Your forum grew and you developed apps for it, and now are going to sell the apps. Very smart! I wish you luck. But I'm aware this is something that isn't available yet, so I'm guessing you are currently using Tapatalk apps, am I right? I know that probably your apps will be much better, but are they at least reasonable? And what about your apps, when are they coming?


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